Tuesday, December 27, 2011

As seen on a Personals site: "I am unique in my onw way"

Could she be unique in any way but her own?

Did she know that spelling OWN - ONW only has 3,000,000 hits on the web.

So, how unique is she?

It's a mad mad mad mad world..."Location Scouting" to the max!

Obsessions on the internet are manifested in various and sundry ways.

This photo montage is probably the most complete documentation of movie location ever attempted.

It's a mad world indeed...

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mary, in this age, you have choices...

Open letter to Mary:
Before giving birth to the first Metrosexual, think about how much impact (over a couple millennium) your child will have..
Mostly being used as an excuse to "save savages" (thereby destroying indigenous people and culture) and commit atrocities (like institutionalized child
molestation, wars of convenience, and loads more...) I'm happy to see the concern on your face, do the right thing...save us from the savior PLEASE!



Tuesday, November 22, 2011

one liner tech story

"Meg Whitman, who took over as Hewlett-Packard Co.'s chief executive officer two months ago, used her first earnings conference call to tell investors they need to lower their expectations." (Business Week, 11/22/11)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Nano Particles additives and your liver...


I mean the story is so rife with material...but the best line:
"...they show dose-dependent toxic effects on the liver. Our next step is to determine the mechanism of the toxicity."

How about determining that the chemical additive not be used at all, instead of trying to accommodate it?

And peoplel think we're smart enough to avoid the looming disaster...


Sunday, November 13, 2011

letter to editors of Time regarding their "report" on overpopulation.

Okay, I get it, you bring us to the edge of our seats, with the certaintude that a huge extinction of other species is going on, our population growth is unsustainable, we're polluting and destroying our "habitat" (It's OUR PLANET...)  Yet, somehow, we'll be able to feed everyone too...if politics *(pesky stuff politics) gets out of the way...and some future genius' show us the way out of our predicament. 

Life is an interconnected set of chemistry and physics.  
Extinctions of species is a problem, since ecologies are made up of groups of species.
Extinction creates chaos in those systems.
Take a peek at Humboldt Squids and Sharks...no more sharks, and loads of squid...eating things we'd like to eat, like salmon, the population of which is plummeting.  

Do you really think we can have all these people on the planet, and still live in total harmony with the environment, so we don't continue to destroy our own nest?

I'm not suggesting, BY ANY MEANS, that anyone who is already alive should have anything but a long and enjoyable life.


We've ALREADY caused enough destruction to preclude our continued existence, past 100 years from now, or less.  Few of us have reached this conclusion, that flies in the face of every societal norm, since the total purpose of a society is it's continued existence, and we're suggesting extinction, in a totally non-coercive way, by voluntarily not having offspring. 

Check this out, if you've read this far.
We're vehement (and serious too!)


Statement of the UN Sec General

If this has already been posted, sorry about that, 
Time Magazine is a pretty mainstream organ for overpopulation coverage...
and such and intriguing report...

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said:
"Yesterday I spoke to students, pupils of a public high school [in Manhattan]. I was very much moved. 
Everybody brought small and big placards reading: "7 Billion, I'm a Part of 7 Billion." 
It was quite moving; I saw very strong signs of hope."

To which one might say: "Huh?" 

Oh, sorry, if the Sec Genr'l isn't the ULTIMATE DIPLOMAT he's in the wrong job..

This is one part of the Time magazine online special section on overpopulation...
find the selection bar and visit other fascinating insights into the population of humanity on Planet Earth.
Here's the main article, all about how populations of humans and other animals may not be a comfortable fit.
Seems the animals are losing!

Even in Time magazine...it's not the warming, it's the people!


Republican Candidates tortuous torture theory

Republican presidential hopefuls Herman Cain and Michele Bachmann both say they would reinstate waterboarding during interrogations of suspected terrorists, while rivals Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman both say they see the procedure as torture. 

Considering that all legal precedent in the US says waterboarding is torture (see definition of torture), it's fascination how the rule of law is interpreted...

Best yet, torture doesn't work during interrogations.

This isn't guesswork by some bleeding heart liberal, it is documented by those who actually endured torture...
any answer you want to hear will eventually be discovered, 

They waterboarded KSM 183 times in a month, and he either never got asked about couriers guarding OBL, or he avoided answering the question honestly. Had KSM revealed that detail, Bush might have gotten OBL 8 years ago.

And just as importantly, the whole time KSM was shielding Abu Ahmed's true identity while being waterboarded, KSM was also lying to the CIA about where OBL was. When asked what things he lied about under torture at his 2007 CSRT hearing, KSM specifically said he first said he didn't know of OBL's whereabouts, and then confirmed false locations for him, in response to the torture.

President [of the Tribunal]: What I'm trying to get at is any statement that you made was it because of this treatment, to use your word, you claim torture. Do you make any statements because of that?


KSM: I make up stories just location UBL. Where is he? I don't know. Then he torture me. Then I said yes, he is in this area or this is al Qaida which I don't him. I say no. They torture me.

So at the time when KSM was guarding crucial information about Abu Ahmed and with it OBL's location, he was making shit up to get the torture to stop.

They characterize this forced drowning as acceptable.

They risk the lives and safety of US soldiers taken prisoner, without any benefit.

The litmus test of beliefs about torture 
(not to mention the no Tax Pledge - anyone who refuses to consider fiscal options ought not be able to be in political office at any level!), 
differentiates legitimate candidates from the rest.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Question to volunteers

Life up until now played no favorites.  Operating across POPULATIONS over time, evolution allows life to establish and utilize energy niches.

CURRENT bio-technology allows for any string of dna components (AGTC) to be created via a dna generator essentially.

We're only beginning to see what all genes can do.

So, we're in a bit of a race against time, perhaps.

Can Bio engineering, a nascent science, (didn't want to say "embryonic" aren't you glad?!) 
be enough for us to establish a human-centric ecology?

Are we smart enough to continuously generate biological tools to ameliorate our deprecation...

(Can we create artificial biology to suit our needs, since we can then create any life we desire...that which cleans up after us, grow our houses with food on the shelves, etc...)

Are we smart enough to do ANYTHING in a sustainable fashion?  Maybe we won't have to...

I only know we've not been trying...

Oh the fragility of our global supply chain...so many weak links

How the effects of "global warming" (aka, Human Caused Climate Chaos) affect you.

From Fry's website...
Notice to Customers:
Due to the flooding in Thailand and the foreseen shortages on hard drives, 
Fry's Electronics is limiting hard drive sales to a quantity of one per customer at this time. 

"Three months of intense rainfall have fueled Thailand's worst flooding in half a century, 
swamping much of the country since July and leaving 506 people dead, according to the government."

I'm think I'll go "Occupy Fry's" until they'll sell me a second disk drive...

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Pets and environmental impacts

"Companion Animals" aka pets are a welcome addition to millions of households world wide.

Googled "environmental impacts of pets" and found this article
which is pretty thorough, in terms of identifying the areas impacted by pet ownership.
(Food, shampoo, toys for pets, pet poop, etc. etc. etc.)

Which, if one can wade through it, is a serious attempt to quantify impacts of pets.

I get along great with pets and kids and have ABSOLUTELY NO DESIRE for any...

Pets are the outcome of domestication of animals altogether, 
our brilliant neolithic predecessors finding animal "husbandry" a useful addition to the tribe.
*(evidence for dog domestication is certain at 7000bc, and may be as much as 30,000 years ago!)

These days it seems natural to enjoy the company of other species, even while suspending our disbelief, 
since the pleasing behaviors we find in pets are behaviors we've bred into them.


The best pics ever...


These are all cool...my interest probably stems from many early mornings watching Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo liftoffs with my father...

Shot number 7 is like, beyond the outer limits...

Gotta love the internet...
("There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image, make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next hour sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: there is nothing wrong with your television set. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to... The Outer Limits.")

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Good time had by all...costumes included:
One 1%er
Dozens in a group of 99%ers who were chanting and holding banners
One guy dressed as a QR Code - hilarious..
One Billy Mays (also Hilarious - TV Pitchman who died last year..)
Lots of Mad Hatters
Lots of Pirates
Lots of Super Heroes - Thor, Green Lantern, Captain America and thousands of Batmen and Robins!

On street for 6.5 hours, that was enough!


Friday, October 28, 2011

Another "unintended consequence" we need to "accommodate" to ...


There are strategies for coping with the not very distant human die off on our soon to be uninhabitable planet.

One is "adaptation" -- do things that allow us to cope with it.

In the world of industrial agriculture, Monsanto is the head and shoulder's leader in genetically modified ecologies...

Seedling Haiku

Hello Monsanto
Get your best on it.

Oops, almost forgot!
Profits have no morality...
They've no need for speed. 

I think, in my utopia, those two industries, and telecom (to control virus' etc., has to be centralized and distributed both(!)) all ought to be "free" for users.

I'll take death panels, no meat animals and free internet over what we're doing now.  LOL

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The world's most crowded place

Slideshow. 130,000 peeps in ONE SQUARE KILOMETER
= 1,000,000 square meters

1,000,000 sq meters / 130000 people = about 7.69 square meters...

About 80 square feet per person.

Not surprisingly, they had to go vertical!


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Screams lead deputies to man stuck under tree

Screams lead deputies to man stuck under tree

Firefighters are trying to remove a man who became trapped underneath a tree near a creek bed.

LAGUNA HILLS – Screams for help led deputies down a creek bed to find a man stuck underneath a tree Tuesday morning, authorities said.

Deputies discovered the man trapped at about 10:30 a.m. after receiving reports of someone screaming and conducting a patrol check near Los Alisos Boulevard and Paseo de Valenica, said Lt. Roland Chacon of the Orange County Sheriff's Department.

"The subject is stuck underneath the tree, and part of his body is underground as well," Chacon said.

Firefighters were also called for a mental health check, said Battalion Chief Kris Concepcion of the Orange County Fire Authority.

Authorities are not sure how the man became stuck underneath the tree, officials said, but have requested heavy equipment to get him out.

As of noon, the man was still trapped under the tree, Chacon said.

(That's as of noon today, about an hour ago!)

How to cope with fewer people...


I find the entire premise hilarious. 

Some journalist trying to spin their treatment of "declining birth rates..." to create a titillating headline.

No discussion regards the state of the rest of the world due to our continued interest in eating...

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Ben and Jerry's new rum flavor offering is being denied shelfspace

(Some Mississippi based do gooder group is out to kill their new flavor, and the url tells more, but here is the takeaway...
"The vulgar new flavor has turned something as innocent as ice cream into something repulsive. Not exactly what you want a child asking for at the supermarket," the organization's website says.
But some are — including Gina Ragusa's 14-year-old son and 10-year-old daughter, whose mother said Thursday
they all eagerly await the day when they can find Schweddy Balls in a supermarket near their home in Davie, Fla.

Ragusa, 44, said they find the name and the skit itself to be just harmless humor, and she checks for the item almost every time she stops at her nearby Publix store."

(((Where else would you attempt to find Schweddy Balls?)))

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Meet your 7 billion neighbors

The numbers behind the numbers: Meet your 7 billion neighbors by Lisa Hymas 23 Sep 2011


Yeah, yeah, you know -- the world population is hitting 7 billion this year. Here are some facts about the world's people that you might not already be familiar with.

50,000 -- years it took for the human population to reach 1 billion, in 1800 1

12 -- years it took to add the latest billion, in 2011 2

12 -- projected number of years it could take to add the next billion, by 2023 2

9.3 billion -- potential world population in 2050, according to the U.N.'s medium projection 3

10.1 billion -- potential world population in 2100, according to the U.N.'s medium projection 3

15.8 billion -- potential world population in 2100 if fertility rates don't fall as much as expected, according to the U.N.'s high projection 3

158 -- people added to the planet every minute (births minus deaths) 4

227,252 -- people added to the planet every day 4

82,947,000 -- people added to the planet every year 4

100-1,000 -- factor by which the extinction rate of species has increased since Homo sapiens came onto the scene 5

15-37 -- percentage of existing species expected to be pushed to extinction by 2050 because of human-driven climate change 6

60 -- percentage of key ecosystem services (freshwater, air and water purification, etc.) degraded or used unsustainably by humans over the last 50 years 7

350,000 -- number of Endangered Species Condoms the Center for Biological Diversity gave away in 2010 8

100,000 -- number of Endangered Species Condoms the center plans to give away this fall, with your help 8

5.0 -- number of children born to the average woman in 1950 9

2.5 -- number of children born to the average woman today 4, 9

2.0 -- number of children born to the average woman in the U.S. 4

0.9 -- number of children born to the average woman in Taiwan, the country with the world's lowest fertility rate 4

7.0 -- number of children born to the average woman in Niger, the country with the world's highest fertility rate 4

215 million -- number of women in the world who want to prevent or delay pregnancy but don't have access to modern contraception 10

$16.9 billion -- estimated annual cost of providing family-planning services to all women in developing countries 11

$20.8 billion -- amount Wall Street firms paid out in bonuses in 2010 12

1.25 billion -- number of people living in more developed countries 4

5.75 billion -- number of people living in less developed countries 4

100 -- percentage of future population growth expected to happen in less developed countries 13

1.35 billion -- population of China, the most populous nation on earth 4

1.24 billion -- population of India, the second most populous nation 4

312 million -- population of the U.S., the third most populous nation 4

4.5 -- percentage of world population living in the U.S. 14

18 -- percentage of global CO2 from fossil-fuel burning emitted in the U.S. 15

1 -- rank of the U.S. in terms of energy consumption 16

18 -- number of languages the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement website has been translated into 17

0 -- chance of the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement achieving its goal

= = =


Hat tips to Vicky Markham and Laurie Mazur.

1. "What If Experts Are Wrong On World Population Growth?" by Carl Haub, Yale Environment 360.
"Scientists Rough Out Humanity's 50,000-Year-Old Story," by Nicholas Wade, New York Times Learning Network.

2. "Population Bulletin: The World at 7 Billion," Population Reference Bureau.

3. "World Population to Reach 10 Billion by 2100 if Fertility in All Countries Converges to Replacement Level" [PDF], United Nations.

4. "2011 World Population Data Sheet," Population Reference Bureau.

5. "Humans driving extinction faster than species can evolve, say experts," by Juliette Jowit, The Guardian.

6. "Extinction risk from climate change," by Chris D. Thomas et al., Nature.

7. "Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Synthesis" [PDF], Millenium Ecosystem Assessment.

8. "Endangered Species Condoms," Center for Biological Diversity.

9. "9 Billion?" by Leslie Roberts, Science.

10. "Facts on Investing in Family Planning and Maternal and Newborn Health" [PDF], Guttmacher Institute.

11. "Population policies, programmes and the environment," by J. Joseph Speidel et al., Philosophical Transactions B. Correspondence with J. Joseph Speidel, August 2011.

12. "Wall Street bonuses," The Economist.
"Wall Street Cash Bonuses Fall, Despite Strong Profit," by Brett Philbin, The Wall Street Journal.

13. "Rapid Growth in Less Developed Regions," United Nations Population Fund.

14. "U.S. and World Population Clocks," U.S. Census Bureau.

15. "List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions," Wikipedia.

16. The World Factbook, Central Intelligence Agency.

17. Voluntary Human Extinction Movement website.

Live Simply So That
Others May Simply Live


Sunday, October 16, 2011

From the "Headline the Editor Regrets ..." file...

FBI probes dead newborn found aboard cruise ship

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Eco_h2o wrote:
What about our present abusive bootprint on the extinguishing bodies and habitats of thousands of innocent, nonhuman, beings?
Eco, as usual(!) we are in violent agreement, 
not much can save many of those habitats or those bodies headed for extinction.

Doubt we are doing this ecological damage on purpose, it's "western civilization going global" on purpose.  

Bear with me...

I founded a software firm and created a tool used to prepare tests that improve management plans.
How do 24/7 operations respond to "low probability, high impact" events?  
Those contingency plans require testing to ensure they will perform when the real thing happens.
Item 12 on the list is the hugely steaming 15 lbs of POLITICS stuffed in a 10 lb bag...and points out why we failed, not for lack of trying, but because of the "political" exposure using our product produces!

Continuous process improvement is attainable, 
and could even be placed into existing governmental processes to make them continuously better.

Defining "Better" entails setting goals, those goals are what politics is all about! 

Government, "by the people", has the power to do the right thing.
If "by the people" we mean those who live and breathe, not corporations for example.

THE PEOPLE can motivate both corporate moguls and government bureaucrats to do the right thing, 
if we can agree on what GOAL we are setting out to achieve.

We VOLUNTEERS are doing our part, 
each of us denying our peculiar genetic information from continuing within the human genome.

Seems a good compromise, since never has a government formed 
for the purpose of assisting those governed in non-propagation, so as to vanish from the Earth.

As I see it, we volunteers, by our unique natures, can have only one common political purpose. 

We must establish (where necessary) and continuously assure (everywhere) the freedom to "just say no" to childbearing.


coffee durfey

3403 Jack Northrop Ave, Hawthorne, CA90250

Silverlake Coffee Co

4.0 star rating
127 Reviews
2388 Glendale Blvd, Ste B, Los Angeles, CA 90039
(323) 913-0388
Swap Start/End
17.8 mi (about 24 mins)
1. Head south toward Northrop Ave 135 ft
2. Turn left onto Northrop Ave 0.4 mi
3. Turn left onto Crenshaw Blvd 0.3 mi
4. Take the ramp onto I-105 E 2.2 mi
5. Take exit 7B to merge onto I-110 Ntoward Los Angeles 8.5 mi
6. Continue onto CA-110 N 1.7 mi
7. Take exit 24A to merge onto US-101 Ntoward Hollywood 2.3 mi
8. Take exit 5B for Silver Lake Blvd 0.1 mi
9. Turn right onto Silver Lake Blvd 2.2 mi
10. Turn right onto Glendale Blvd
Destination will be on the left
344 ft
2388 Glendale Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90039
