Friday, September 17, 2010

Sex Ratio and Geography, Marriage and Monogamy!

Well, Monogamy?  Just threw that in to obtain interest...but here's an interesting article for those "on the prowl".

Perhaps we ought to think about moving to a gender appropriate city, and contribute to the childlessness of our new partners!

-- The top five areas where women were scarce, with their gender ratio and median age of marriage for women, were:
Las Vegas: ratio 116, 24.5 years (Median marriage age for women)
San Diego: ratio 115, 25.9 years
Salt Lake City: ratio 113, 23.2 years
Austin, Texas: ratio 112, 26.2 years
Phoenix: ratio 111, 25 years

The top five areas where men were scarce were:
Birmingham, Ala.: ratio 88, 26.7 years (Median marriage age for women)
Memphis, Tenn.: ratio 88, 27.2 years
New Orleans: ratio 89, 27.8 years
Richmond, Va.: ratio 89, 26.3 years
A three-way tie for New York City, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., ratio 92, where median marriage ages were 28.3, 27.9 and 27.8, respectively.


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