Dr. McMahon, appreciated seeing this article regarding your research.
http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/12/101205202510.htmThe headline suggested and you are quoted about how this could be misconstrued as Astrology.
I have a hypothesis about Astrology and your research may be one step towards validating it. It may well be that being born at a certain time of year (and even place!) means a predilection to various traits.
The basic tenet of Astrology can be stated:
Being born at nearly the same time of year produces similar personality traits in that group.
What do we observe?
Besides the Moon and the Sun, not much else in outer space has any discernible effect on Earth. So the stars are only significant in that they are changing their star-rise/star-set with the seasons, and therefore reflect what time of year it is!
Births, naturally, happen at an arbitrary time and place.
I cannot conceive (sorry) of how that would make a difference in our personalities, all by itself.
However, what do children born at the same time have in common?
Their mothers went through gestation at the same time of year.
Therefore, they ate the same seasonal foods (especially when near in place with each other as well!).
I submit that food eaten by the mother could influence the personality of the offspring, perhaps to an even greater extent than circadian rhythm.
Perhaps both are important, or, perhaps I'm all wet!
Also, the egg and sperm that eventually became an offspring, due to the time of year they were nurtured perhaps personality traits are already cast.
The ultimate larger question is why do we have different personalities in the first place!
It almost HAS to be evolutionarily beneficial.
Just thought I'd share, if your research happens to broaden from the temporal perspective.
Perhaps a topic for the next doctoral candidate with a bio background!
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