Thursday, December 30, 2010

First internet reference to UNASSIGNED OPTIMISM *UO

My condition, unassigned optimism, is not mentioned in any Physician's Desk Reference (PDR).

Here's the google search result: No results found for "UNASSIGNED OPTIMISM".

The funny part is, I was under the impression that "unassigned anxiety" was in the PDR.

But, HOW WEIRD there is only ONE internet reference to the term "unassigned anxiety".

Having suffered from what my shrink at the time said was unassigned anxiety, I figured it was a medical term!

So, never mind, I thought that this coined term UO could become a meme.

Yet, I get the impression that if you asked several people what "unassigned anxiety" means and what "unassigned optimism" means,  the anxiety definitions will be "easier" to create as well as more uniform than UO definitions.

So, in a null hypothesis survey format:

Hypothesis 1: When asked to define unassigned optimism and unassigned anxiety there will be no difference in how easy it was for participants (via self reporting) to define the term.
Hypothesis 2: There will be no difference in the definitions of each term when comparing the degree of variance from the mean of the definitions presented.

Hypo 2 needs some work but I think there is something measurable there, that can be differentiated.

However, if my assumption about unassigned anxiety is not true, then why would a meme ever happen.

I'll define it as I experience it.

1. I have unassigned optimism (12 step theme: first admit you have a "problem" (Condition?)).
2. I say "condition" since my shrink doesn't think it is necessarily a 'problem'.
3. I just hope it doesn't act upon me to neglect some real using herbal remedies to cure one's cancer *"but, I've got a positive attitude and never smoked"...
4. The term stems from a far more recognized and potentially dangerous condition: Unassigned Anxiety - from which I have actually suffered, many years ago!

The "trigger" of unassigned
Subsequent to a reunion of fellow work mates in late September 2010, I was quite recharged, renewed, and real "happy". I can't quite remember what "happy" feels like, so I suppose that's what it is.

Well, while this feeling has been on and off again since then, mostly it is on.

I am looking forward to a good 2011 work wise, and am implementing systems that will ensure success.

It was confirmed yesterday that my attitude (or, my 'tude) is just cocky enough to gain attention. Then they discover it's backed up by experience and great performance.

The Plan:
Systematize those most familiar, invite newbies to get my monthly printing newsletter.


I have instituted serious activity to lose weight and reduce other bad habits.

My outlook is unassigned optimism.

While I have no real reason to feel this way, it is definitely a good thing from a 'tude perspective as my UO makes my 'tude easier to obtain/maintain/sustain.

Having forgotten what happy feels like, I'll try to follow the lead of UO and proceed.

My blog gets world wide attention

My blog post made it all the way to Hindu Currents, a Newsweek for India!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

The "single Pixel" camera captures images and provides encryption

This caught my eye and I think it is really important, but I don't quite understand enough of it to know why.


HEY, ROY...Keep your Trigger outta my sandbox.

There's triggers, and then there is:


Monday, December 20, 2010

Too Much Information

Meteorologist Heidi Jones, seen on WABC-TV's website, has been suspended from the station pending an internal probe.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

"Culturomics" - this could be: a.) important b.) fun c.) both

A means whereby all of us can become social scientists as we analyze word frequency through the ages!


Saturday, December 18, 2010

This is your brain, on god.

Newberg told NPR: 'For those individuals who want to go down the path of arguing that all of our religious and spiritual experiences are nothing more than biological phenomena, some of this data does support that kind of a conclusion.

'But the data also does not specifically eliminate the notion that there is a religious or spiritual or divine presence in the world.'

This is somewhat stupid.  But not seeing the original paper may be the problem.

What they are saying:
Those who meditate consciously and repeatedly have brains that activate more of the frontal lobes than someone who isn't doing so.

1.  Those who do so learned how to meditate, thereby more neurons are involved just for that reason.
2.  Since the article states the frontal lobe is for concentration etc., why not have someone playing a speed computer chess game be monitored and see if it isn't simply the level of concentration involved.

Says nothing about much actually, wonder how the righteous will interpret it. 


For those interested in origins...Polish Physicists model the Universe

The article is high on fog factor, low on understandability.  (Space can be modeled as a fabric, with gravity causing the physical geometry (in three dimensions) and time is the result of applying values to particular points in space so that things can then happen!)

It is however a very important achievement to describe reality using math that doesn't violate cosmological observations.

A mother's voice preferentially activates language acquisition areas of their newborn infant's brain...

While the actuality is a "Duh!", it is fascinating to me on two counts.
First when analyzing brain activity, smaller functional components are being identified.
Second is the picture copied below.  The sacrifices we go through for science.  Informed consent?  Say what?

Language Learning areas of Baby's Brains are activated by their mother's voice.

For preemies, or sick babies, or for those whose mother's die in childbirth, one wonders if a tape loop of the mother's voice is enough to produce an equivalent effect.


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Doctors Don't Need to Fear Red Heads

However, Red Heads have not been asked how they feel about doctors...


Season of Birth May Have Long-Term Effects on Personality

Dr. McMahon, appreciated seeing this article regarding your research.

The headline suggested and you are quoted about how this could be misconstrued as  Astrology.  

I have a hypothesis about Astrology and your research may be one step towards validating it.  It may well be that being born at a certain time of year (and even place!) means a predilection to various traits.

The basic tenet of Astrology can be stated:
Being born at nearly the same time of year produces similar personality traits in that group.

What do we observe?

Besides the Moon and the Sun, not much else in outer space has any discernible effect on Earth.  So the stars are only significant in that they are changing their star-rise/star-set with the seasons, and therefore reflect what time of year it is!

Births, naturally, happen at an arbitrary time and place.  

I cannot conceive (sorry) of how that would make a difference in our personalities, all by itself.  

However, what do children born at the same time have in common?

Their mothers went through gestation at the same time of year.

Therefore, they ate the same seasonal foods (especially when near in place with each other as well!).

I submit that food eaten by the mother could influence the personality of the offspring, perhaps to an even greater extent than circadian rhythm. 

Perhaps both are important, or, perhaps I'm all wet!

Also, the egg and sperm that eventually became an offspring, due to the time of year they were nurtured perhaps personality traits are already cast.

The ultimate larger question is why do we have different personalities in the first place!  

It almost HAS to be evolutionarily beneficial.

Just thought I'd share, if your research happens to broaden from the temporal perspective.
Perhaps a topic for the next doctoral candidate with a bio background!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Here is a recent thread you may appreciate.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael (Frish) Frishberg
Date: Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: English
To: Ellen
Normally I'd simply trash a misaddressed note, but I see you really are a teacher in NY!
I'm not Mrs. Frishberg however.  Chris Frishberg is a real person's name??? (JOKE!)
Is his father Neal? 
Anyway, Mrs. Frishberg has yet to see this message!  have a great end of year!!
On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 6:35 AM, Ellen wrote:
Mrs. Frishberg,
Good morning. Chris just handed me his book report for this marking period; unfortunately, he did not complete the assignment properly. He said that he lost his book report form and that you remembered the questions, so he was able to complete the assignment. It is obvious to me that Chris did read his book and understands the plot of the novel; however; he is still required to complete the assigned book report. I have given Chris a new copy of the assignment; he may take some time to complete it and hand it in on Monday. Thank you for your assistance with this assignment. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Happy Holidays,
Greshem High School
Special Education Department

Monday, December 6, 2010

World Running Out Of New Places To Fish: Study

That headline had me thinking - an Onion story.


We (or "proto-we") have managed to stick around for maybe 500,000 to 1,000,000 years so far. 
Never forget, evolution is all about what remains, it isn't about 'progress' in any particular direction.

Human Nature has worked pretty well, so far:  

Nest, Spoil Nest, Seek New Nest

Prehistoric humans put essentially zero stress on the Ocean's fish populations.
Our nutrition was overwhelmingly land based.

Now we are the top predator by a factor of 100X+...

We fish the other predators (like sharks) with even less mercy than we show the rest of the catch.

It makes one wonder, on a healthy planet, can any seafood be available to feed humans?

I googled "2050 fisheries".  Seemed innocent enough.  Here's the query's result:


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Architecture is for the birds


Holobiont - a word that will be commonplace by the end of next year.

Just Frish's prediction for 2011.

As I write this 2:56 PM PST Sunday December 5, 2010 there are only 13,300 references to holobiont on the WWW.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Secular Prayer Haiku in anticipation of 2011

may our electrons 
find the most judicious path  

now here from no where
consciously taking "in-sights"  
ephemeral life

all our memories
in brain's metabolism
trust in chemistry 



To a select few aficionados

1. Got here by accident
2. You may appreciate this experience
3. Dr. Demento, wherever you are...
4. Go to this site
5. Find the "Preview all" button (scroll down the middle of the page)

Mostly I like the song titles.  Especially number 10.