Tuesday, September 28, 2010

According to Pew

So, I'm an atheist and Jewish therefore I know more about religion than the righteous.  

"Know thy enemy."

Sorry, that may have been too strident.  How about:

"All the better to trip them up" (Wolf of Hooded Red Rider Fame and my middle name (for real!))

Oops, still too predatory...

"I enjoy evaluating the irrational."  

(That's better, passes "truthiness" test.  And, has a 4 syllable word, definitely will be "Passed Over" if ya know what I mean...)

Just the thing, my new signature...

I enjoy evaluating the irrational.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Answer to "But our child may be 'THE ONE'!"

The other problem which would counter any justification for breeding such a "savior of the world", even if we could know that would be the result with certainty before conception, is that which I encountered in an antinatalist book. Namely, that all lives brings suffering. Lack of life (nonconception) cannot bring suffering since there is no one to suffer. Even conception of someone who could solve the problems of the world would be a negative from that person's standpoint. As I thoroughly expect things to get worse before they collapse completely, conception of any child at this time is tantamount to child abuse.

It cannot be justified.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Maternal Mortality: Can We Talk About Sex (at the UN)?

From the Huffington Post  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/evelyn-leopold/maternal-mortality-can-we_b_731096.html?utm_source=DailyBrief&utm_campaign=092010&utm_medium=email&utm_content=BlogEntry

Evelyn Leopold Veteran reporter at the United Nations  September 20, 2010 03:07 AM

Maternal Mortality: Can We Talk About Sex (at the UN)?

UNITED NATIONS - The statistics for maternal mortality have improved by 34 percent. That means a woman is no longer dying every minute, but one woman is still dying every minute and a half.

No doubt prenatal care, malnutrition, access to a hospital and skilled practitioners and professionals could prevent most of the deaths. As could education for girls that keeps them in school longer.

But the squeamishness of talking about family planning or contraception -- in short sex -- is a no-no in many nations. An estimated 215 million women in the developing world want to delay or avoid pregnancy but have no access to contraception or fear the side effects or their families object, says the UN Population Fund (UNFPA).

With President Obama participating, the United Nations is holding a summit this week on its Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the world's most ambitious program to slash poverty by 2015. While the glass is half empty on many of the goals, the decline in deaths of pregnant women is nowhere near the target of a 75-percent reduction by 2015.

Consequently, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon scheduled a side-event on the deaths of pregnant women and children under five years of age on Wednesday, the last day of the three-day MDG summit.

It's not that UN agencies don't talk about contraception and the draft outcome document, for the summit mentions family planning, sexual and reproductive health several times, including "ensuring that women, men and young people have information about and access to the widest possible range of safe, effective and acceptable methods of family planning." But the wish list is not duplicated on the ground. (My fantasy was to give a "morning-after pill" to the 150 women recently gang-raped in the Congo.)

Child brides

Marriage of child brides, whether forced or by consent, can be a recipe for disaster in bearing healthy children. Says the International Women's Health Coalition, an expert in the field:

Child marriage is the major cause worldwide of pregnancies before age 15. In most of the developing world, 90 percent of girls who give birth before age 18 are married. Young brides typically become sexually active as soon as they are married, sometimes before their first menstruation. Often living in their husband's household and community, they face intense pressures to bear children as soon as possible, with potentially disastrous results. Because their bodies (bone structure, pelvis, reproductive organs) are not yet fully developed, girls ages 14 and younger run a very high risk of complications in pregnancy and childbirth compared with older adolescents.

As many as 50 percent of pregnancies in developing nations are unplanned and 25 percent are unwanted. The unwanted pregnancies are disproportionately among young, unmarried girls who lack access to contraception. In Ethiopia, for example, about one third of all maternal deaths each year could be averted if women had access to reliable family planning methods, UNFPA says.

Mother-in-law decides

Access to birth control is one problem. But even in some nations where the government has reproductive health clinics, the "mother-in-law often makes the decision," Nafis Sadik, the former director of UNFPA, once said.

In Pakistan, for example, a government survey found that 84 percent of the women who want to limit family size do not use modern family planning methods. And among those that do, sterilization is most popular. Illegal abortions are also common with close to a million carried out each year, according to the Population Council of Pakistan.

Patricia Licuanan, a Filipino psychologist and educator, and the current chairman of the Commission on Higher Education, has said that despite the Obama administration's support of reproductive health, "religious fundamentalism is on the upsurge."

She was not wrong about the Philippines, which together with Malawi, last week sponsored a panel of gifted health specialists from around the world, who opposed contraception as well as abortion. Several argued that legal abortions were not necessarily safe and that maternal deaths would not be reduced through contraception, only by proper health care, and that condoms did not necessarily reduce AIDS. (Both the Philippines and Malawi have extraordinarily high rates of maternal mortality.)

There is another side of religious leaders as evidenced by Rev. Debra Haffner who helped organize an open letter among religious leaders on the UN conference, saying in part: "We are called to bear witness to the harsh reality that without comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services, women and girls around the world suffer illness, violence and death."

Clearly contraception is not a panacea for sepsis, severe bleeding, obstructed labor or even the consequences of illegal abortion. Health care in many countries is too tenuous that even sophisticated women worry about surviving a difficult birth. Dr. Asha-Rose Migiro, the UN deputy secretary-general, told a luncheon at the UN Foundation of her fears at the birth of her second child in her native Tanzania where she was a professor and then foreign minister. The doctors, she said, were excellent but the equipment so outmoded "I was afraid for my life" when she needed a cesarean section.

There is no easy answer and nothing works without community involvement, the reduction of extreme poverty, health practitioners at the village level, cell phones for emergencies -- and a proper analysis of available data, much of it sketchy. UNICEF, the UN Children's Fund, found that statistics masked differences within a country between those in relatively prosperous areas and the rural or slum-dwelling poor in developing countries.

And one could add -- in the United States also.


Friday, September 17, 2010

Here's a notable quote from a Korean business leader...(and demo of bait/switch)

Dr. Il SaKong is Chairman & CEO of the Institute for Global Economics, a private non- profit research institute based in Seoul. "It's like inviting community leaders to our family party. We have to give an impression that Korea is a fundamentally good and solid nation."
...not an impression that we eat your pets.  

(Frish's Bait and Switch:  That was the "icebreaker" (tawdry and rank joke with enough truth*** to be funny to some, and attention getting to most) here comes the message.)

Please note, during the next very few weeks, how much campaign money is spent by various Chambers Of Commerce.

Don't let them buy it, get out and vote, and tell a friend. (Call to action)

Thanks, Frish (MBA Marketing, happy to share some technique!)

Turns out "frishbait" is rather inexpensive and ubiquitous.  (The closer!)

***For those with strong stomachs...

"Four Years. Go" (if we get started NOW, the world's bad trajectories can be changed in 4 years...


When first informed of this site, I thought it was "so four years ago" but it turns out that isn't quite the case.

There is an associated blog post that is too true not to share as well...

From the blog:
"So why isn't the world tackling global warming, sex slavery, economic disenfranchisement, species extinction, terrorism, environmental collapse, financial sustainability, and other critical problems with an all-hands-on-deck approach? "

They definitely ask the right question, I wish them well...

Their pages of allied and worthy organizations is QUITE an interesting list IMHO.

Almost signed VHEMT up as another of the a "sustainable" ally...  But that would be wrong... VHEMT: Not an Organization!

Sex Ratio and Geography, Marriage and Monogamy!

Well, Monogamy?  Just threw that in to obtain interest...but here's an interesting article for those "on the prowl".

Perhaps we ought to think about moving to a gender appropriate city, and contribute to the childlessness of our new partners!

-- The top five areas where women were scarce, with their gender ratio and median age of marriage for women, were:
Las Vegas: ratio 116, 24.5 years (Median marriage age for women)
San Diego: ratio 115, 25.9 years
Salt Lake City: ratio 113, 23.2 years
Austin, Texas: ratio 112, 26.2 years
Phoenix: ratio 111, 25 years

The top five areas where men were scarce were:
Birmingham, Ala.: ratio 88, 26.7 years (Median marriage age for women)
Memphis, Tenn.: ratio 88, 27.2 years
New Orleans: ratio 89, 27.8 years
Richmond, Va.: ratio 89, 26.3 years
A three-way tie for New York City, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., ratio 92, where median marriage ages were 28.3, 27.9 and 27.8, respectively.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Damn Fine Commercial, regardless that "Brown" is probably part of the problem!

Do we really need to ship things from Bangkok to NYC overnight?  

It's a great commercial if you haven't seen it on TV yet.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I hit your car with a Frisbee golf Frisbee (A note in prose and haiku)

(Adapted from a true story)

From 5 seconds before I threw it (when I was planning another throw altogether)

to 3 seconds before I threw it (when I noticed your car)

to .5 seconds before it threw it (when I planned on it going down the other side of the street.) 

until .5 seconds after throwing I watched it bear down on your car (and hoped it hit a window)

and then I saw the dent (near the black streak)


Forever indelibly impressed upon my conscious and conscience.


Tho' I am guilty

have no fig for forgiveness

Or apologies


Honorable thing?

No kvetching/obfuscation,

Make dent --------- disappear


Women get angry.

That is not something I wish.

Men? Forever - boys...

Monday, September 6, 2010

Eco's question

Eco you wrote:
"This year in several Latinamerican countries we are celebrating our Independence Bicentennial. Happily we remember VIOLENT periods and BATTLES, which casted away oppression and slavery (..well just partially we have become independent, ..., but in fact conditions for slaves or native people, "indios", were worst two hundred years ago).

Of course pacific solutions are always much preferable, but even in India with M. Gandhi, independence took also lots of lives, suffering, TIME and very special people and circumstances, that are not always available."

First, in response to your post, perhaps Martyrs become Heroes depending on who "wins" the war, eh what?  (He who controls Wikipedia controls the future!)

Secondly, and far more importantly, I believe the two paragraphs I resend above capture a terrific thought.

As a species, we seem to be "progressing" to some "higher" moral stand on the way we treat each other.  Stumbling, 3 steps forward, 2 steps back, but we seem to be ruled by laws, that, if enforced, makes life peaceful for many.

I have an Archaeology Degree, I know a little about what we were like coming out of the trees.  

Tool making omnivore soon to have speech and fire.

We fan out, and, through our material culture, we've used that technology to "genetically engineered" ourselves as a specie to EAT EVERYTHING ON THE PLANET.  Our tools make plants/animals into mincemeat.  Literally.  

The question your prose has me pose...

Is our Social Evolution fast enough to save us from our Human Nature (that which we've lived with for .25 to .5 million years or whatever)?

Live Long and Die Off



Sunday, September 5, 2010

Regarding Humans! Rah, Rah, Rah!

Les, thanks for sharing this article.

I have selected portions of the article to comment upon below (within parenthesis).

Austin Williams loathes the smug "carbonistas", the ecological armageddonists and those who've grown afraid of future growth, indeed of the future, and their burgeoning political influence.
(OKAY, so what?!!)

His case:  we should not be sacrificing humanism at the altar of environmental sustainability.

"There's this tired Malthusian logic that's coming back into the mainstream across the Western world, that humanity is a huge problem for the planet,"

"It's amazing that Malthus was so widely discredited, but now he's back being discussed in such a positive light at all the right dinner parties," Williams says.
(The only thing Malthus got wrong was how human "ingenuity" would stave off the Malthusian die off.  But Williams neglects to consider the consequences of a petroleum based economy, and especially petroleum based agriculture, to allow humans to procreate without restriction.  This has allowed humanity to grow at the expense of the rest of the biosphere, and it is patently unsustainable (think "peak oil" whenever that year already or will occur).)

"We seem to have lost any notion of the future as a positive place to be. We've forgotten that humans are endlessly creative individuals. We instead see ourselves as problems, not solutions, and once that becomes the prevailing view the next logical step is the fewer humans the better."This negative view that we are nothing more than carbon excreters is an attitude I find reprehensible. I see humans as problem solvers, so the more people there are the more problems that will be solved and the better society will be."
(That one was truly funny, I'll admit.)

Urban congestion is something we should embrace, Williams argues, with any adverse issues eminently fixable with the right policy settings and technology.

(oh, really, how about changing Human Behavior along the way too, is that "eminently fixable" as well?)

"we need to reclaim the humanist agenda, which puts people first, and the technological advances will inevitably come."
(So, he is an unabashed speciest, who cares not a whit about the rest of biology, and believes all we need is technology to overcome whatever difficulties face this "Modernity" he seeks."

Those who fret about carbon footprints and have no faith in humans to solve the carbon problem, get short shrift from Williams. He labels them "carbonistas", highlighting the notion that such concern is merely fashionable.

(What faith ought we have in humans and technology that has brought us to the brink already?  Why is "more of the same" an answer to what are clearly problems, made far more problematic since our population and technology are overwhelming natural coping mechanisms?)

"China isn't having these discussions about the nature of cities. Something's happening there at least. Sure, a lot of it isn't pretty . . . but they are resolving the problems as they arise.
(More funny stuff, wonder how China will handle the age creche sex ratio problem that will almost certainly require military means to supply enough women for the Chinese male population?
The reality:  The sex ratio for those aged 0-14 years represents 20.1% of the Chinese population and the ratio of males to females is as follows:
male 142,085,665/female 125,300,391) (2008 est.)

Seems like 17,000,000 men are going to be looking for love in all the wrong places (like Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, North/South Korea or name any other country they care to "visit".'

This Williams character is clearly an anachronistic throwback in his faith in ingenuity and technology and in his disdain for trends and realities of the small planet we call home.)
