Sunday, July 11, 2010

Web References to Morton C. Frishberg (with various spellings etc.)

As the Internet accumulates more and more data, I recently performed a fairly intense search for references to my father, Morton Charles Frishberg (Mort Frishberg, M.C. Frishberg, M. C. Frishberg, Morton Frishberg, etc.)

The following are what I've found so far...enjoy!

In 1938 another "first" occurred, when Cantor Maurice Goldberg introduced the practice of having boys ofBar Mitzvah age officiate as Cantor at Shaharit services on Saturday mornings, adding public service to the Bar Mitzvah boy's reading of the Torah. Under Cantor Goldberg, the first boy to participate as cantor at Shaharit services on the Saturday of his Bar Mitzvah was Morton Frishberg. Two years later, in 1940, young boys were beginning to conduct the Musaf service on Saturday. Cantor Goldberg soon organized a mixed voice choir, too. as a footnote to a 1961 article in the Association of Computer Machinery...(See Below)

Letter from Mr. and Mrs. Morton C. Frishberg to LP RE: Would like any information about the "non-oxygenating" molecule and the drug treatment since they have a mentally retarded child. [Letter from LP to Frishberg June 4, 1958] [Filed under LP Science: Orthomolecular Medicine and Mental Health: Materials re: Ford Foundation grants for the study of mental disorders, 1955-1966: Box #11.089, Folder #89.8]

(See footnotes on page 38 if you can still see this one...)

Use "Find" on that page (control F then type Frishberg for the surprising result!)  David waxing poetic re: Mort's piano tutoring...

There may be more...the two articles cited below were referenced more than once had to do with "pert" charting, as Mort was an early practitioner of this means to ensure a project is on track for completion on time and budget...

1.  M. C. FRISHBERG, "Least Cost Estimating and Scheduling --Scheduling Phase Only," IBM 650 Program Library File No. 10.3.005.

2.   M. C. Frishberg, "LESS Tells You how Project is Doing", Hydrocarbon Processing and Petroleum Refiner, Vol. 41, no. 2 (February 1962), pp. 130-138.

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