Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Intolerance - it's what's for dinner!

My Brightness (natural is all there is after all), which is only exceeded by my radical childlessness (given humanity's trajectory, it's the only moral choice!), makes me a few standard deviations away from "normal".  Hence the "funny" subject line....

First, this gem:
I mean, c'mon.  Who cares?  and why??? 

Of course, the fact that homosexuality is demonstrated in hundreds of species won't sway anyone's opinion...

I mean, just because something is natural, doesn't mean it is tolerated....

As long as there is intolerance, no one is stems from an "us versus them" mentality, which is as integral a part of human nature as anything can be...

The "dumbing down" of our educational system is exemplified by how Prom Night could have been a learning experience, and a joyous event of inclusion, instead of an insane myopic display of unreasonable fear.

Dedicated to all who "chose"


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