Saturday, February 21, 2009

Re: [atheists-614] How VHEMT and Atheism are congruent!

William, thanks for sharing, cheaper than a therapist, glad I could be of service.

I wrote a nice much LONGER response and the system managed to delete it. 

Please think about the is simply our worldviews that are divergent, while we are both atheists (and are right to be so!), being right about humanities future doesn't really buy me much!

First, please note, it is a voluntary thing.  Not Genocide.  I simply am voluntarily not having offspring to reduce the numbers of humans who will inevitably be going extinct in the not very distant (150 years or less) future. 

This isn't what I WANT to happen, (nothing self hating about it!) just what I foresee happening, given every trajectory for every unsustainable human practice...medical, energy production, agriculture, fishing, forestry, etc. etc. etc.

I said that VHEMT is far more repugnant to far more people than Atheism.  Your note is prime evidence I was right about that!

Whether or not I'm an asshole is a matter of debate, one which I'd probably lose.

However, the output of my asshole and yours is killing estuaries and the ocean's nurseries all over the world, thanks for pointing out another non-sustainable practice (too much fertilizer) that is contributing to our demise.

I VEHEMENTLY disagree with your contention that causing "our environment to be adapted to neither a good thing or a bad thing".  I understand the point you are trying to make, that many technologies can be used for good (explosives build roads and kill people, etc.) however, turns out this aspect of human nature is an unequivocal BAD THING and will lead directly to our demise.

Live long and die off.

Frish, who is not very frightening at all.

On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 10:06 PM, William <> wrote:
Honestly, you VHEMT people scare the shit out of me. Self-hating self-fulfilling genocide prophecies aside, any ideology which banks on denying the fundamental substance of human nature is not to be trusted. We are creatures who use tools. We are creatures who rather than adapting to our environment, cause our environment to be adapted to us. This is neither a good thing or a bad thing, it's powerful, and like all powerful things can either cause great good or great harm. We have to find the wisdom to use our adaptation to our benefit, which probably will look a lot like benefitting the earth ecosystem as a whole.

Regardless, I hope you assholes don't ever suggest this nonsense is synonymous with atheism, or you'll bring back the fun times of burning atheists at the stake.


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