Dear LA Brights and others copied:
(*FLASH stands for "Fearless Leader Addresses Special Humans" (I'm Fearless Leader (LABrights) and you are Special Humans! Thanks for being so!))
> God makes you stupid, researchers claim
> By Chris Williams
> The UK Register, London, UK
> Published Thursday 12th June 2008 11:06 GMT
> God makes you stupid, researchers claim
> By Chris Williams
> The UK Register, London, UK
> Published Thursday 12th June 2008 11:06 GMT
The study is bullcrap on its face since intelligence by itself won't make you faith free. AND I know plenty of quite intelligent faithful too...
As my yoga guru (Behram Yogi-Raj - a rather serious proponent of yoga for sure) maintained: "Stupid People Don't Need Yoga".
What he was drivng at was those with lesser IQ DON'T EVEN BOTHER considering the potentialities of a unknown future.
They don't don't need yoga!
A wholely holey holy explanation (copyright FRISH) works just fine, even keeps the questions from coming up!
Faith is belief without reason, hence atheists and diests agree:
"There's No Reason For God" (Copyright FRISH)
Consider: how stupid will we look after we die and find they were right after all?!?!?
So, here's a question:
I'm wondering how my ex-spouse and my prior (coincident (sorry, again, dear)) and subsequent sex partners will get along with me in heaven...and how old will we be there?
See what I mean...there's something one can ONLY worry about, and do yoga to cure!
The actual takeaway of the article: "Brains are a curse!"
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