Monday, October 6, 2008


Dear VHEMTers:
Enjoy the LA Times article (see link below) and my letter to the editor...didn't mention VHEMT on purpose, sometimes spreading the meme isn't about recruiting!

Perhaps some of you will also be prompted to write...


Editor, LA Times:
In reaction to:,0,4090965.story
"Embryo factories" are just one demonstration of our uniquely human rejection of natural limits.
Without question, it is sad when a couple can't have children if they want them.  We must recognize that sex is fun, evolution did not provide an innate drive to procreate.  Our unsustainable economic practices, along with human overpopulation, is literally killing the biosphere's ability to sustain human life.  Life began billions of years ago, each of us are simply another expression of that continuation.
Elsewhere in the Times today we see an article on innovation in health care,0,7360789.story.  Universal Health Care ought not include infertility treatments as it is cosmetic, not vital.


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