However small, the Muslim secularists currently control key Arab states. Money is certainly at work now, and is especially frustrating since we supply the capital from our purchase of oil and drugs. The secular Arab states caused us little or no trouble when they were broke.
But now what should we do, or not do?"
Michael.My reference to "primitive" societies was intended to mean those that began to form as early man came down out of the trees.
However small, the Muslim secularists currently control key Arab states. Money is certainly at work now, and is especially frustrating since we supply the capital from our purchase of oil and drugs. The secular Arab states caused us little or no trouble when they were broke.But now what should we do, or not do?Lloyd----- Original Message -----From: MichaelTo: LloydSent: Monday, May 26, 2008 9:01 PMSubject: Re: CultureHi all, back again, just returned and let me add some quick comments "inline" below for your fascination..This is cursory, and I'm exhausted from my vacation (how does that work?) so here's something...
On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 12:01 PM, Lloyd > wrote:Sue, Nancy & Michael,
Thanks for your thoughtful comments.
you are welcome.
This all started with Sue's and my email exchanges regarding religion and culture. It is my hottest topic because of the Mideast situation, the Arab theocracies and the growth of militant Muslimism.
Okay, wondered where it came from.
Sue and I agreed that we were both non-secular members of different cultures, both cultures having similar religious traditions. My first argument was that cultures had to grow from religion, but from your emails, I see that there is much more to the subject. I enjoyed Michael's comment that the God of the Old Testament is a "farmer's god".
You make the point that cultures "grow up" in a society, and it makes sense that this is so, but is not some form of isolation required for a people to form and maintain a culture? Examples are geography, e.g. oceans, deserts or mountains; prejudice, e.g. Jews, Mormons; language, e.g. the Amish. Cultures can be maintained by the same forces that supported their beginnings, by indoctrination of the young, as well as forces from government or a priesthood.
Yes exactly. What you see today (cultures clashing! it is called "globalization"!) is because there are no longer natural barriers for ideas to be exchanged. THINGS ARE GETTING OUT OF "CONTROL" AND SOME DON'T LIKE THAT (Chinese Gov't over the past 60 years, Myanmar's dictators, North Korean, Albania, Cuba, etc. are the extreme examples...)The learning of Language (and therefore the basic passing of CULTURE) is done in family groups. It is hard to sway family tradition in a generation or two...generally, we do things like our, working, voting, etc.
In a primitive society,
(Sorry, I understand the term "primitive society" in a much different way...all cultures and societies, are "equal" from a sophistication point of view, (all societies have to solve the same problems, in order to continue their cultural socialization as you said above...therefore there are no such things as "primitive" societies!!!) I'll assume that you mean cultures without the technological (so called) advantages we enjoy)whatever their culture's beginnings, natural disasters like fire, flood, tornado, hurricane, drought, earthquake, disease, death, eclipses, and so on, were frightening phenomena. These mysterious happenings provided fertile ground for the empowerment of individuals promising to identify the supernatural powers behind the mischief and prescribe (religious) behaviors to placate them.
How "god" or "spirit" or "supernatural" get's into the picture is as you say.Think about what else is "promised" by our western religious tradition:We have souls (whatever you think that is, about as easy to define as god(s))We will live forever through our souls. THAT SEEMS to be of interest to people...When you dream of dead grandma, that's evidence of souls.When you have or hear of, a near death experience, and white light is radient down the tunnel of love...that's evidence of everlasting life.Any unexplained phenomena:Why did the fire burn my third child but not my second? God Knows!et. etc. etc. you can see how all of this can be institutionalized in many incarnations, so as to attract those who are currently looking for explanations...Motivation to seek power seems so basic to human nature that I don't see how any culture, whatever its beginnings, could avoid coming under religious dominance at some point in their history.
Dominance? Not really. FOLLOW THE MONEY. IT IS ALL ABOUT THE ECONOMY, WHATEVER ELSE IS GOING ON...THE RELIGIOUS AND THOSE WHO MAINTAIN THEIR KEEP THROUGH DONATIONS OF THE SHEEP, ARE ONLY AT THE BECK AND CALL OF THOSE WHO OWN THE CAPITAL AND MEANS. They are the great benefactors afterall, Medici for example, merchants who donate huge sums to the church, for their own purposes...
We know how desperately those in power will take measures to cling to their power. How did the Western democracies ever implement the separation of church and state?
REVOLUTION - FIRST THE RELATIVELY MINOR US OVERTHROW OF THE BRITISH, FOLLWED BY THE TRULY MAGNIFICENT FRENCH REVOLUTION...THE LAST TIME PEOPLE HAD THE SAME MILITARY MEANS AS THE GOVERNMENT, but that's another story...the despotic and inbred royals and religious could not control the will of the people, as long as the people were as well armed as their own troops...
Although not a guarantee, are not non-secular Arab governments pre-requisite to a peaceful middle east? How will it come about? Does it matter?
It matters plenty. MOST MUSLIMS JUST WANT TO HAVE A PEACEFUL PLACE TO RAISE THEIR KIDS, HOW SURPRISING, YES, THEY ARE HUMAN.Don't be taken in by the koolaid of neocons.Extreme Muslim Radicalism is a very small number of humans...
More comments please.
sURE.1. TERRORISM CANNOT BE FOUGHT WITH MILITARY MEANS. TERRORISM IS A TACTIC, IT ISN'T DETERED BY WAR.2. THE NEOCONS REDEFINED WHAT THEY CONSIDERED TERRORISM, IN ORDER TO HAVE A MILITARY RESPONSE.3. fOLLOW THE MONEY. OIL IS UP, DEFENSE IS UP...HELLO~Yet, after a trillion dollars of Iraq/Afghan expenditure we are less safe.How very interesting. They have used a few deranged survivors of the Crusades - Osama Bin Laden and his Saudi funders who also support the terrify the American people to unending war.Welcome John McCain, his lobbyists and the entire Military Industrial Complex...Don't you think, if we spent 1,000,000,000,000 on software and hardware and satellites we could have information in a palatable form delivered world wide for everyone (10 times over).(there are 6.8 billion people, we'd spend $130 per person (not everyone needs hardware) and it would be enough....)How about, along the way, we spent part for Potable water for the millions who have none, and condoms for the women to control their fertility, and then, maybe, we'll be able to introduce the concepts necessary for continued human occupation of the planet.
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