Monday, March 17, 2008

In memory of Weizenbaum...(subtitles by ELIZA...)

New Technology, Looking for Application...REALLY Near You. See this video.

He wants to superimpose computer images over the real world.

Regular Reality is already more than many of us can handle...(have
another drink?)

I can see it now...a 24/7 video game, in real space! "So lifelike,
you'll forget you're alive!"

And, the doctor wants to monitor us for more satisfactory medical outcomes.

Hey, let's get Radio Frequency chips embedded in our skulls at birth
to keep the illegals out, our credit histories available, and our
medical conditions under control...and these contact lenses to paint a
rosey hue...who needs prozac?

Let's have our DNA on deck so we can quickly identify potential for
genetic problems having offspring with a particular person to whom we
are attracted...

Monitor me please administrator. Oops, no choice!
Speaking of which:

I created this note (above) as a draft, and saved it in gmail.
I copied the video link from another note.
I opened the draft note.
I pasted the link.
I found a whole long list of RFID suggestions along the right side of
my recently saved and re-opened note. Not in the market, thanks...

Love the internet. Love Google. Love AI guess work, getting better everyday!

Love the automated big brother that isn't so far away.

My father, M. C. Frishberg, was a visionary, an original Silicon
Valley Nurd, truly a technology evangelist of his time...

In the late 1950's and early 1960's he was adamant that data
processing technology was the only way we'd get out of the disasterous
situation humanity is finding itself he did what he could to
ensure that technology was distributed as widely and quickly as
possible...witness the fact that you are sitting in front of a
computer as you read this, perhaps 20% of the world's population has
that capability, only forty five years later, easily the most
disruptive technological introduction since the beginning of
time...thanks in no small measure to Dad...but that's another story.

I know technology is the cause of the incredibly destructive
activities humans engage in, which is why it cannot dig us out.

Time will tell if Dad or I am correct.

Back to the not so distant future...

"I see you are drinking beer, again, how do you feel about that?",
writes ELIZA...across both eyes, next to the refreshing and subtly
modulating vitawater-enzyme-drink-that-moderates-your-blood-sugar and
hangover-and-lipids logo...

In 1966, Joseph Weizenbaum introduced ELIZA, a simulation of psychotherapy.
He died recently.

Play with Eliza:

Create your own:

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