See this article Al.
Here is a PERFECT example of how HUMAN NATURE will get in the way of
any progress on the environment, if one takes your will
take far too long to change our behaviors to keep the effects of human
produced climate change from accelerating...
1. Raleigh has an antiquated sewerage system. It gets blocked by
grease and blows up. No one wants to pay to replace it (2000+ miles
of sewer pipe getting old...)
2. The city council abolished new garbage disposals from new
construction to attempt to stem the other "stuff" from getting into
the flow.
3. A reasonable request also was made to those who already have
disposals, to quit using them.
4. Some reacted "as though a SWAT team was on their roof, coming to
confiscate their disposals"...
5. The residents of Raleigh, used to throwing everything down the
kitchen sink, even when confronted with a very pricey alternative
(replacing the sewer system!), will not easily change their ways...
The Raleigh experience serves as an example of precisely what I mentioned:
Human nature however is too self serving for even a small population
of humans to sustainably manage their existence.
There is only one moral way to voluntarily reduce human population,
and that is for each of us to decide not to have offspring!
VHEMTly yours, Frish