Wednesday, January 2, 2008

So, did you see this yet?

Just a little something from Fearless Leader Frish, and Bright's Central...
(J.T.: please distribute and/or post in all the right places...)
That is the article in which I am quoted, along with others...regarding being Bright and still respecting aspects of religion.
As you can see below, "Bright" Paul doesn't like being second banana, but hey, the article also characterized my non-belief as "Atheistic Leanings"  (yeah, like HORIZONTAL!)...
We'll probably see other outlets pick up this article over the next few months, it is the way of the web these days...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paul Geisert <>
Date: Jan 2, 2008 11:59 AM
Subject: RE: So, did you see this yet?
Thanks for forwarding the "heads up".  I did not know about it.  
Love the part about the Bright who is a Greek Orthodox deacon.
Nice little article (except for:  "Mynga Futrell, who started the organization in 2003 with the help of her husband, Paul Geisert…")


Bright Regards


Paul Geisert

Mynga Futrell

cid:image001.png@01C84303.E1AB1E30 Co-Directors of www.The-Brights.Net

illuminating and elevating the naturalistic worldview

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