Wednesday, January 16, 2008


(Frish sez:  This has some mild "Adult" Language, but no violence or sex, sorry...If you don't appreciate vulgarity, don't watch...personally I was ROFLMAO having been in relationships almost constantly for the past 40 years or so...I see it as more justification and validation for my vasectomy!)
Hi Frish,  I thought you might like this.   --  Bill


Bill was correct, I liked this video. 

Considering that Bill is a modern day hermit who lives on a mountain in a rain forest on a rancho in a house (think domes and tunnels and turtle ponds) he's been building out of fishing net and cement for the last three + decades, I thought it quite a nice commentary!

"Over and over and over and over ..."

Probably best watched without the kids (*or your parents, (or your manager? (OR YOUR SPOUSE or significant other!) depending...).

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