Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Re: Off Topic - Choosing and Championing a Vegan Diet

I am even more vehement then the next person about the immorality of any decision that includes bringing another human life onto the planet.


I just don't "get it" when it comes to the "morality of veganism"!


...snip...(I had a whole lot of other stuff here about how there is no difference between plant and animal protein, morally, since the far greater problem was that WE (humanity) are still eating, altogether!

And, while I am correct, it is, as the subject line states "off topic"!)


Anyway, vegans, thanks!


You've elicited one original thought from me tonight!!!


Upon some serious self reflection, I conclude that here is something we can all agree upon:


I am just another reason VHE must be accomplished!


(Maybe I'll make that my signature!)



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