Monday, July 23, 2007

Christianity - The Cult Continues!

The Los Angeles Times newspaper ran an article today regarding home-churches, evangelical gatherings without a formal church building that occur in people's houses. I decided, as a Bright, to write a letter to the editor of the Times.

The letter I wrote is in RED below.

The parts I didn't send are in BLUE below.

As a Bright, (everything stems from nature not superstition), I was heartened to read about home-church-goers sincere in their desire to live moral and law abiding lives.

If that form of worship helps them do that, I say excellent, how ironic their detractorsconsider them "non-biblical".

There are already several hundred Christian sects, this is how they all started, it is a grand tradition.

.....Even after 2000 years, It seems it is difficult to know what is truth!

Alternative Ending instead of Even after...
....And while it threatens the status quo, it should not threaten others.

However, while these don't appear to be "American Madrassas" (yet...) the internet can magnify the influence of a cult leader, and quickly. These folk deserve to be observed and documented, to ensure they are not being "anti-social" in a large sense.

I'm staying with my non-deistic worldview, thanks!

Here's the article...,1,6106562.story?coll=la-headlines-california&ctrack=2&cset=true

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