Sunday, June 3, 2007

The "golden rule" is the basis for human nature.

Studying or following a philosophy or religion won't "teach" you to act in a moral fashion.

We act in a moral fashion thanks to our genetics. We are programmed to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you". And, most of us, most of the time, follow that behavior.

There is a very natural explanation for this. Humans are social primates. In order to act as a cohesive group, instead of "everyone for oneself", we have to be wired for social behavior, and the outward manifestation of this is "acting morally".

Those of the tribe that acted too far out of "morally" were "discontinued" hopefully before they passed on those genes. Here "morally" is in accordance with "tribal" laws and nature too, if your amorality caused you to be ostracized from the group, how long could you survive on your own?

The "golden rule" is the basis for human nature.

That is the reason that all world religions share that thought. It is a universal truth but it is a given, it isn't taught! Religions choose it to spread along with the rest of the their philosophy.

Also, folk do exist that aren't wired right. Our culture has created institutions to assist these folk. Some are mental wards, and some are prisons, etc.

Of course, how I like to be treated, compared to how I treat others...fascinating proposition we all face on a daily basis.

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