Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Birth control and the moral choice.

Lybrel won FDA approval.

It's a birth control pill that puts a woman's period on hold, indefinitely, thereby precluding conception.

Haven't heard much controversy about it, yet...but I expect the usual hue and cry from "religious-ers", fundamentalists of all stripes about "god's" plan or go forth and multiply or man shall have dominion, or some such.

Personally, I'm all for it. More ways to prevent pregnancy are good things.

Although I haven't heard if cramps and PMS also "go away", if it affords a little comfort each month during what can be a difficult time, so much the better.

Delaying pregnancy is a good thing. Delaying it for life is the best decision possible.

Human consumption and our unsustainable economy (yeah verily, our culture and technology) and life style (even the poorest people have a large ecological footprint, compared to squirrels say) are shaping the very ecology of the planet. And not in a positive way...

It's like we're running a scientific experiment, with us as the guinea pigs, yet we aren't testing any hypotheses, we're simply changing conditions within which life exists and seeing if we can survive!

We continue to reproduce without any controls at all, regardless of Lybrel. Each new mouth represents hundreds of tons of CO2 emmissions over a lifetime. OVERPOPULATION IS THE BIGGEST PROBLEM FACING LIFE ON EARTH, PERHAPS EVER!

The Earth's climate is noticibly changing, in predictable ways, and in ways that are changing faster than predicted. Sea ice, when it melts, has a huge influence on the temperature of the oceans at the poles. Not only will the white reflectivity no longer be there, the dark water will accept more solar radiation. Heating will proceed with speed.

Given the lack of fresh water for many humans already on the planet, the lack of females in Chinese society (thanks to cultural issues, once again, female babies are undervalued, or adult males are overvalued, depending), the religious nuts in the middle east, the worldwide addiction to petroleum, the cheap yet strong street drugs available, the continuation of the decline in amphibious life, the reduced salinity of the Atlantic Currents, the reduction in Antarctic ice and subsequent rise in sea level, the "invader" flora and fauna, of all sizes and ecological import that disrupt "native" habitats (ballast oysters etc.), the well financed terrorists and availability of nuclear materials, the many mentally ill thanks to "modern" civilization, it won't be lasting much longer.

Therefore, before the die-off happens, every human who is added to the mix is another human (or ancestor of humans) that will be dying an unpleasant death.

So, what makes sense is V.H.E.M.T.






Get vehement about population control.

Keep in mind, it is VOLUNTARY.

And, yes, our conclusion is extinction. So to speak.

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