Thursday, November 21, 2013

Water water everywhere and not a drop to drink...

A recent United Nations analysis of world population trends indicates global population growth shows no signs of slowing, with current projections estimating a staggering 11 billion people could inhabit the planet by the year 2100, faster growth than previously anticipated.

(Only validates our stance, live long and die out...)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The business owners aren't buying the's none of their business literally!,0,3235496.story#axzz2jpBw4bGc

So effin' asinine.  It's a medical decision, nothing to do with their morals/values/prudishness...

Even the Supremes will rule against this one...(I can only hope...)

I also object to Religious Organizations having an objection, it is up to each parishioner to follow their own conscience...