Friday, December 20, 2013

Global Warming - infographic on possibility of containment

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Water water everywhere and not a drop to drink...

A recent United Nations analysis of world population trends indicates global population growth shows no signs of slowing, with current projections estimating a staggering 11 billion people could inhabit the planet by the year 2100, faster growth than previously anticipated.

(Only validates our stance, live long and die out...)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The business owners aren't buying the's none of their business literally!,0,3235496.story#axzz2jpBw4bGc

So effin' asinine.  It's a medical decision, nothing to do with their morals/values/prudishness...

Even the Supremes will rule against this one...(I can only hope...)

I also object to Religious Organizations having an objection, it is up to each parishioner to follow their own conscience...

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Halloween is approaching, Sr. Muerto is stirring in his grave...

For 50 +/- years I've worn an ever improving outfit for Halloween.

I call him "Sr. Muerto" since it's MY DAY (of the dead that is!)

Sr. Muerto and Jack from Cookoo's Nest, 2010

Sr. Muerto takes a selfie, 2011

Pic was AFTER 6 hours at West Hollywood Halloween Carnival 
that happens three blocks from my house, how convenient!

2006 included this effort

Thursday, October 17, 2013

A SueF Yelp!

This was from my mother's Yelp page that I accidentally got into tonight...

Kim's Nail Care  

Category: Nail Salons 
Neighborhoods: Mid-City West, West Hollywood

5.0 star rating
this is the best!!!!!! nail care shop in lalaland.  Kim is a genius who can create any pattern you can think of.  besides all that the shop is immaculate and the other folks who work there are courteous, kind and most helpful  i have been going there for the better part of 20 years
try it i know l'll love it!.

The bottom line is what it is, I've been told.

No accounting for taste...

This note got the attention of a $XXBN (particular industry not to be named) group that needs an invite to visit next week, and while there is many a slip between the cup and the lip, especially for me, I don't drink coffee...but this might just be the top of the golden pyramid!

I sound so sincere...

From: Frish

Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 10:17 AM

To: Robert

Subject: Paperboard production - intro to Frish

Robert, I'm the lead sales/marketing person here at Supreme, I bring more fun…see attached!

We are Los Angeles County's newest paperboard provider, about 12 miles from your plant!  (Easy press checks for you, short drive for proofing for me!)

*We came from a high end commercial printing (marketing materials) heritage, and apply our outstanding ability to put dots on paper to packaging!

I understand you have a project with a near term deadline.

Some Philosophy:

We don't charge extra for plates or dies, we invest in you first, since we're confident you'll be back.

I only do business ethically, and, when you share schedule/pricing we won't take the job if we can't do it for that price in the time allotted.

We ONLY provide SUSTAINABLE PRICING – pricing we're happy to honor for the long term.

We're family owned and hit above our weight, thanks to our pre-media operation (we support Honda Motors and McDonald's ad agencies for consistent colors everywhere)

When your work is in the house it's all we are concentrating on.

One thing I know for sure, we won't be doing business unless we meet!

Samples?  Would I show you a bad one?  They are almost useless to evaluate a packaging provider!

If I don't hear from you first, I'll call you again later today.


Paperboard Packaging - Unit Container, Folding Carton, POP

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The potential for human colonization of other planets...

We are quickly proving we can't even keep living on Planet Earth...yet some believe our future is among the stars!

I blame a common delusion on at least part of the problem: 
"We're "unlike" other creatures, and therefore not subject to the same rules."

Here's a nice wiki, with loads of depth for those interested in "trying to understand the effects and the impact long space travel has on the human body".

We aren't going anywhere (even Mars) soon or fast.

If we knew enough to build a multi-generational starship (sustainable ecosystem included!) we'd know enough to keep ourselves alive right here on Earth, no need to leave!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The best discussion of Fractals in everyday life!

The mechanics of the Earth's mantle and that of a single crystal of mineral are similar.


1. 1-man salute 
2. 7.4 on the Rectum scale 
3. Acid-rain maker 
4. After the thunder comes the rain 
5. Air bagel 
6. Airbrush your boxers 
7. Anal acoustics 
8. Anal ahem 
9. Anal audio 
10. Anal salute 
11. Anal volcano 
12. Arse blast 
13. Ass blaster 
14. Ass-scented methane 
15. Ass biscuit 
16. Ass thunder 
17. Ass whistle 
18. A turd whistling for the right of way 
19. Backdoor breeze 
20. Backfire 
21. Bad sprinkling 
22. Baking brownies 
23. Barking spiders 
24. Bean blower 
25. Beep your horn 
26. Belch from behind 
27. Better open a window 
28. Blast off 
29. Blast the chair 
30. Blasting the ass trumpet 
31. Blat 
32. Blow ass 
33. Blow mud 
34. Blow the big brown horn 
35. Blowing the butt bugle 
36. Blowing you a kiss 
37. Bomber 
38. Bottom blast 
39. Bottom burp 
40. Break the sound barrier without a plane 
41. Break wind 
42. Breath of fresh air 
43. Brown horn brass choir 
44. Brown thunder 
45. Bun shaker 
46. Burnin' rubber 
47. Buster 
48. Busting ass 
49. Butt bleat 
50. Butt burp 
51. Butt hair harmony 
52. Butt percussion 
53. Butt trauma 
54. Butt trumpet 
55. Butt tuba 
56. Buttock bassoon 
57. Cheek flapper 
58. Cheesin' 
59. Colonic calliope 
60. Crack a rat 
61. Crack one off 
62. Crack splitters 
63. Crimp off some breakfast biscuits 
64. Crop dusting (surreptitiously farting while passing thru a cube farm, then enjoying the sounds of dismay and disgust) 
65. Crowd splitter 
66. Cut a stinker 
67. Cut loose 
68. Cut the cheese 
69. Cut the wind 
70. Death Breath 
71. Deflate 
72. Doing the one-cheek sneak 
73. Doorknob 
74. Drop a barking spider 
75. Drop a bomb 
76. Drop ass 
77. Dropped a bomb 
78. Eggy 
79. Empty my tank 
80. Exercising the meat nozzle (not sure if this one doesn't belong in a different category) 
81. Exploding bottom 
82. Explosion between the legs 
83. Exterminate 
84. Fart 
85. Fire a stink torpedo 
86. Fire the retro-rocket 
87. Firing scud missiles 
88. Fizzler 
89. Flame thrower 
90. Flamer 
91. Flapper 
92. Flatulate 
93. Flatulence 
94. Flatus 
95. Flipper 
96. Float an air biscuit 
97. Floof 
98. Fluffy 
99. Fog slicer 
100. Fowl howl 
101. Fragrant fuzzy 
102. Free-floating anal vapors 
103. Free Jacuzi 
104. Freep 
105. Frequency Actuated Rectal Tremor 
106. Fumigate 
107. Funky rollers 
108. Gas attack 
109. Gas blaster 
110. Gas from the ass 
111. Gas master 
112. Gaseous intestinal by-products 
113. Ghost turd 
114. Give a dirty look at the person next to you 
115. Grandpa 
116. Gravy pants 
117. Great brown cloud 
118. Hailing Emperor Crush 
119. Hey, did you fart? Because you blew me away! (pick-up line) 
120. Heinus anus 
121. Hole flappage 
122. Hole flapper 
123. Honk 
124. HUMrrhoids 
125. Hydrogen bomb 
126. I made a pootie 
127. If you are that embarrassed about it, you can always blame it on me. 
128. Ignition 
129. Insane in the methane 
130. Invert a burp 
131. It's low tide 
132. Jet propulsion 
133. Jockey burner 
134. Jumping guts 
135. Just calling your name 
136. Just keeping warm 
137. Just the noise 
138. Kaboom 
139. K-Fart 
140. Kill the canary 
141. Lay a wind loaf 
142. Lay an air biscuit 
143. Leave a gas trap 
144. Let a beefer 
145. Let each little bean be heard 
146. Let one fly 
147. Let one go 
148. Let the beans out 
149. Lethal cloud 
150. Letting one rip 
151. Lingerer 
152. Made a gas blast 
153. Make a stink 
154. Make a trumpet of one's ass (John Milton) 
155. Mating call of the barking spider 
156. Methane Bomb 
157. Methane production experiment 
158. Moon gas 
159. Mud duck 
160. Must be a sewer around 
161. Nose death 
162. Odor bubble 
163. Odorama 
164. One man jazz band 
165. One-gun salute 
166. Painting the elevator 
167. Pant stainer 
168. Panty burp 
169. Parp 
170. Party in your pants 
171. Pass gas 
172. Pass wind 
173. Play the tuba 
174. Playing the trouser tuba 
175. Plotcher (aka a wet one ... bad form, points taken off for emmitting one of these) 
176. Poof 
177. Poop gas 
178. Poot 
179. Pop 
180. Pop a fluffy 
181. Preventing Spontaneous Human Combustion (South Park) 
182. Prove it 
183. Prupe (Norwegian--the E has two dots over it) 
184. Puff, the Magic Dragon 
185. Quack 
186. Rebuild the ozone layer one poof at a time 
187. Rectal honk 
188. Rectal shout 
189. Rectal tremor 
190. Release a squeeker 
191. Release an ass buscuit 
192. Release gas 
193. Rep 
194. Rimshot 
195. Rip ass 
196. Rip one 
197. Ripple fart 
198. Roast the Jockeys 
199. Rotting vegetation 
200. Safety 
201. Salute your shorts 
202. SAS (silent and scentless) 
203. SBD (silent but deadly) 
204. Set off an SBD 
205. Shit fumes 
206. Shit honker 
207. Shit vapor 
208. Shoot the cannon 
209. Shoppin' at Wal-Fart 
210. Silent but deadly (SBD) 
211. Singe the carpet 
212. Singing the Anal Anthem 
213. Skunk smells his own smell first! 
214. Sounding the sphincter scale 
215. Sounds like a barking spider 
216. Sounds like a wompus cat 
217. Sphincter song 
218. Spit a brick 
219. Squeak one out 
220. Squeeker 
221. Steamer 
222. Step on a duck 
223. Step on a frog 
224. Stink bomb 
225. Stink Burger 
226. Strangling the stank monkey 
227. Stress release 
228. Tail wind 
229. Telegraph from Ft. A-hole to Cmdr. Nostril announcing the arrival of Gen. Shat 
230. That felt good 
231. The closest you get to craping while standing up 
232. The colonic calliope 
233. The dog did it 
234. The F bomb 
235. The gluteal tuba 
236. The Sound and the Fury 
237. The stink's gone into the fabric 
238. The third state of matter 
239. The toothless one speaks 
240. Thunder pants 
241. Thunderspray 
242. Toilet tune 
243. Toot 
244. Toot your own horn 
245. Trelblow 
246. Triple flutter blast 
247. Trouser cough 
248. Trouser trumpet 
249. Turd honking 
250. Turd hooties 
251. Turn on the A/C in your large intestine 
252. Uncorked symphony 
253. Under burp 
254. Venting one 
255. Wet one 
256. What smell? 
257. What the dog did 
258. Whoever smelt it dealt it 
259. Wrong way burping 
260. Your voice has changed, but your breath is still the same. 
261. Zinger

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Funky Fukushima

As of today, 130918, the plant is reported to be:  "generating 800 tons of contaminated water per day".

This one said 300
This one said on the order of 400

Perhaps the "truth will out" since it's so much worse than Chernobyl, they aren't even on the same scale. 

Thanks G.E. for the design...
"The storage pools are packed with radioactive uranium, rise several stories above ground and are always close to the reactor, thus facilitating easy transfer of the fuel rods. " from...

Storage pools of intense radioactivity several stories UP (They Are Really HEAVY).

Tsunami AND earthquake country.  

Way to go General Electric and TEPCO, even Godzilla's warning didn't help!

100's of years...won't be enough to erase this stain...

To those pronatalists who think we can bend the environment to support any number of people

Recent editorials let us all know that HISTORICALLY technology saved our (collective) asses and so, the writers expect that will occur again, "we can shape the environment to suit our needs" I read somewhere...

Here's a little news:

My point is, we don't even know how the planet operates so, how can we possibly apply technology in a nuanced way, to do no more damage, and second, third, and fourth provide for our future on an ecologically "stable" planet?

The chaotic forces humans have unleashed will have their way with us.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Monday, September 2, 2013

Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Darwin Awards Condom (Item is no longer available...)

This is our kind of 

(Mentions Population Control Volunteers!)

Keep yourself out of the gene pool!

Friends don't let friends reproduce!

The Darwin Awards are really great reading.

Documenting the "limit" of Human Stupidity!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

You are still connected to Verizon, I'm going to release the call...

The subject line was the signoff of the Verizon tech that recovered my contacts for my cell phone...She signed onto my phone(!) and fixed things from there, with a little help from my thumb.

It reminded me of the following "Pranks by Boys"* story.  *My brand name...

Circa 1987 - Some Telecommunication Association Trade Show

ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network  was all he rage, simultaneous voice, video, data, etc. over the same wire...
The telecoms were saying:  "ISDN  -  I see Dollars Now"
The customers were saying: "ISDN - I Still Don't kNow!"

I was walking the show floor beforehand, so I would know where every competitor and partner were located, and I happened upon the "Telco Equipment Provider TEP" booth.

They had a private ISDN network set up with a Phone and Data connection between their scenario real estate office and the mortgage banker.

The actual hardware setup, about which I inquired before they started, was a tractor trailer outside the hall, with cables like elephant trunks emanating along the periphery...looping onto the show floor and back...running some ridiculous speed with an ISDN wrapper, the two terminals were side by side... 

They did a fine demo, and then, when it was over, I said...

"So, the Real Estate Agent is seeing the Banker's screen with the loan offer, and then the phone call is over, since they hang up, but what hung up the data connection, won't the real estate agent still see what's on the Banker's screen???  
Like, when he pulls up some confidential transaction...
Not ONE of my clients will be impressed by your demo, au contraire (French being a language with which they were familiar...)"

They read my badge more closely
New Product Launch Manager
Communication Systems - IBM (Before there was Networking LOL )

Then they LITERALLY pulled the plug on the demo, showing it to exactly no one else the entire show...$300,000 fizzled in a flash and a whimper!

"Have a good show!" shared I while skipping down the aisle.

They actually thanked me.

It's the unintended messages that are the hardest to control.

Glad Verizon both recovered my contacts and knows how to end a voice/data call!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Climate and Human Violence...Science Mag abstract

Just the abstract, copied below, is enough.  no need to pay for the's all here!

"A rapidly growing body of research examines whether human conflict can be affected by climatic changes. 

Drawing from archaeology, criminology, economics, geography, history, 
political science, and psychology, we assemble and analyze the 60 most rigorous quantitative studies 
and document, for the first time, a remarkable convergence of results. 

We find strong causal evidence linking climatic events to human conflict 
across a range of spatial and temporal scales and across all major regions of the world. 

The magnitude of climate's influence is substantial: 
for each 1 standard deviation (1σ) change in climate toward warmer temperatures or more extreme rainfall, 
median estimates indicate that the frequency of interpersonal violence rises 4% 
and the frequency of intergroup conflict rises 14%. 

Because locations throughout the inhabited world are expected to warm 2 to 4σ by 2050, 
amplified rates of human conflict could represent a large and critical impact of anthropogenic climate change."

When a scientific peer reviewed article finds CAUSAL EVIDENCE of HUMAN CONFLICT there can't be many things more important... 

Wonder who is reading Science...

Sunday, July 21, 2013

World Population,three scenarios

That graph of UN estimates is not color blind.  Let's assume the green scenario is correct.

We'll still have at least 7 billion on the planet for the next 77 years or so...

Being that many doesn't mean we're "winning" somehow...

Frish - ChildFree and Loving It!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Problem of Republicans

Republicans have the following simple problem.

They LIE about everything, or say they believe in lies.

1. Evolution ? Never happened!
2. Human caused climate chaos? Not now, not ever.
3. More guns make us safer. (Huh?)
4. There is a 'debt crisis' (not.)
5. There is a 'deficit crisis' (not) (neither are a CRISIS. Both are manageable.)
6. Some people ought to have special rights under the Constitution (Married Man and Woman (only)).
7. Abortion is somehow worse than an elective war. Why don't my tax dollars NOT be spent on elective wars, but instead allow medical treatment for women without government interference? Where is the true outrage, from a moral perspective.
8. Rich people get tax breaks so there will be more jobs (what kind of disconnect are they experiencing? And, reinstating tax rates that were lowered "temporarily" is NOT a tax increase...)
9. We're in trouble with low numbers of Latino's liking the platform, so we'll pander to whatever we have to in order to gain their votes...

Can't wait for 2014 to get to a supermajority Democratic House and Senate.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


"The book subscribes to no faith, but does contain a moral, from Dante himself: inaction during a time of crisis is a sin. Overpopulation, Brown says, is an issue so profound that all of us need to ask what should be done. The author himself has not decided."

Frish says: Should be a fun read, and, having our issue be the focus of a well respected/read author, even if fiction, can't be a bad thing.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Survival? It's up to God!

http://www.rawstory .com/rs/2013/ 05/01/belief- in-end-times- stifling- climate-change- action-in- u-s-study/

Friday, May 3, 2013

About time...Scientists project extinction of humanity.

Here's the news:

Here the treatise:
"An existential risk is one that threatens the premature extinction of Earth-originating intelligent life or the permanent and drastic destruction of its potential for desirable future development"


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Why people reject VHE ...

"People seem to 'explain away' the presence of bad possibilities, thinking that they won't really occur," explains O'Brien.

I believe it's all about having 'faith'... "The sun will come out tomorrow" etc. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013


My GF lived in BA during this time.  She knows people who had their babies stolen, others who had babies returned in the night, and another arrested for carrying a bomb on the street...

If the Pope didn't know, he had his head firmly implanted where the sun never shines.

He absolutely knew, and did not do a thing, 
since he didn't want to ruffle the government's feathers, and so as to get the church playing both sides, a strategy favored by the Vatican, since goverhments lean right, lean left, but the CHURCH endures...and will work with whatever dirty creatures it must to maintain it's position.

If he even has deny-ability it's not credible. Period.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Pig News

"If a feral-hog sow produces a dozen piglets, 13 survive," goes an old joke, according to the Avalanche-Journal. 

I'm trying hard not to share this stuff, it's too easy to find end of the world scenarios playing out right in front of us...but couldn't resist with a line like that (and the overpopulating menace described herewith)...


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Monday, March 25, 2013

Unveiling Islam

G-Man, think you'll like this, quite a decent analysis of the weakness and foibles of Islam...

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Sustainable Development Goals Must Sustain People and Planet, Experts Say

"Mounting research shows we are now at the point that the stable functioning of Earth systems is a prerequisite for a thriving global society and future development."

Big Duh!  Now let me know the likelihood we'll actually plan for sustainability, having never done so in the past...


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Child Free Motivations

I am prompted by several posts lately to return to a supposition I have re: VHEMT and our motivations.

It has been noted that 'ecological' reasons are well spelled out on the website, but, Les certainly knows there are loads of other reasons to deliberately be child-free.
VHEMT MOTTO: Live long and die out! 
Subtitle to the Motto: What part of Voluntary did you not understand?

Began a right answer (it's voluntary!). 
Did I manage to share your motivation? 
Do tell! 
or Don't! 

all edits welcome!  thanks for playing...

Child-Free Motivator Categories
Environmental - The catastrophic effects of human disruption in every habitat have gone beyond 'fixable', the planet will have her way with us.
Social - We can't change behaviors fast enough to avoid human population apocalypse
Physical - My condition (sterility) opened my eyes to life without kids
Life Centric -  Humans are killing too many species before we're gone - fewer people and sooner is better

Misanthropes - Humans are a plague
Political -  There are too many people since as yet there are staving infants
Nihilistic - Extinction is inevitable, why wait?
No "motherly instinct" ('fatherly')
Won't care for babies Birthing, Crying, Changing, Feeding
Won't care for kids -
Teaching, Financing, Scheduling, Worrying(!)
Sex Schmex - Don't really care for it, with the possible consequences way out of proportion to whatever fun I'm supposed to be having
Noble Sacrifice - I'm being selfless to make as little environmental impact as possible
Selfish - finances, emotions, partnership, friends --- reality is better without kids
Some of the above
Don't Know
Submit your own here:                       

(Favorite choice/category of all time: Not Discussed in Class!)

*Mine was a political decision at age 9, and I kept another from procreating along the way, my single best achievement!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

"Morality - The Play"

"Morality - The Play" is the working title for my proposed Hollywood Fringe Festival 2013 one person performance.

All concepts open to change at any time.

Intent is to combine and mix the tenents of



and the arch of technology. to provide a provocative look at the future.