Saturday, March 31, 2012

Scientists (yes, those folk that conservatives don't trust more now than ever) give a warning... 

GDP isn't the problem.

"Private" property is the problem.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Republicans and Limbaugh brewhaha, LA Times Letter

Dear Republicans:

You object, religiously, to birth control? Fewer kids may be just what this world needs most.

Every one of us has the ability to act morally; it is up to the parishioner to do what's right.

Deciding that certain medical procedures are so sinful that they cannot be paid for is total bunk. 

I'm beyond morally outraged, having paid taxes in support of "an elective war" in Iraq.

Please consider that the availability of birth control diminishes the power that men have over women.

I hope that's not too outrageous for anyone's religion.


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Let's continue to let corporations poison us en masse...


Sure, all the talking head TV doctors SHOULD talk about how tap water is better for you than anything in a plastic bottle.


Here's the real story, we've let corporations obtain total control 

of the creation, use, and disposal of unique chemical substances.

"The number of new chemicals synthesized and marketed increases exponentially. 

The database CAS REGISTRY at present contains more than 33 million organic and inorganic substances. However, the little information regarding the potential hazard associated with a large amount of chemicals is an old known problem in the European Union and also in the United States."


Wherever you live in the world, politicians that give the right answer about people versus corporations must be in office. 

If only we could get our stuff together enough to make it happen, we really could take back some of it.
