Friday, July 29, 2011

Re: [atheists-614] The Breivek Manifesto - PDF file

Let's see, GUNS KILL PEOPLE.  Oh, yeah, I mean, bullets, bullets kill people. 

So, control the bullets.

Or, control the rabid nationalists, racists, fascists, ethnocentric, and mostly all the lunatics...

 "And kill, kill all the uglies; But I'm, I'm not ugly!" (lyrics from a Mariachi song...)

Here's something to think about, far closer to home so to speak.

The Tea Party Representatives are refusing to allow the government to borrow funds needed to enact the laws voted on by their predecessors.

That's simply underhanded and Undemocratic to its core.

They are stymieing the democratic process and rule of law.

Breivek and a few deluded skinheads don't get it either.  

But, the impact of the teabaggers will kill far more than "The Breivek Distraction".

Much like our own Arizona example (I won't mention his name, this is exactly the kind of stuff that terrorizes people, for NO reason at all, and, it's why they can't stock enough guns or ammo to satisfy demand ever since Obama won the nomination, let alone the election.)

The European Declaration of Independence

by Anders Behring Breivek

in PDF (Acrobat) format.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

175,000 tons of uranium isn't enough! (I can't quite figure out the numbers!)

India: 'Massive' uranium find in Andhra Pradesh

See url, article copied below . . .

19 July 2011 Last updated at 00:38 ET

Exploration work is underway in Tummalapalle

India's southern state of Andhra Pradesh may have one of the largest reserves of uranium in the world, the country's chief nuclear officer says.Studies show Tummalapalle in Kadapa district has a reserve of 150,000 tonnes of the mineral, Atomic Energy Commission chief S Banerjee said.
India has estimated reserves of about 175,000 tonnes of uranium. 

Analysts say the new reserves would still not be sufficient to meet India's growing nuclear energy needs.

Mr Banerjee said that studies at Tummalapalle have shown that the area "had a confirmed reserve of 49,000 tonnes and recent surveys indicate that this figure could go up even threefold" and become one of the world's largest uranium reserves.
The uranium deposits in the area appeared to be spread over 35km (21 miles), he said, adding that exploration work was going on in the area.
Mr Banerjee said the new findings were a "major development", but India's own uranium reserves would still fall short of meeting its nuclear energy needs."The new findings would only augment the indigenous supply of uranium. There would still be a significant gap. We would still have to import," he was quoted as saying by The Hindu newspaper.
India is planning to set up some 30 reactors over as many years and get a quarter of its electricity from nuclear energy by 2050.

(Frish note: India has even more to catch up than China at this point, as their demographic transition has yet to occur.  They expect Beau Coup more people and need loads more energy.  Seems they are planning a fair bit of Nuclear, but their coal resources are some of the biggest in the world. 

That sure seems like a lot of TONS of uranium.  

Also, let's rip up 21 square miles of land to get Uranium, thereby messing up whatever ecology had been there, and polluting the entire planet with Uranium dust and 10,000 years of containment (oh, yeah, like THAT'S going to happen!))

Here's an Indian Population growth map

POPULATION :1028610328 
POPULATION DENSITY :324 prsn/sq km
DEATH RATE :0.65% 

Here's a great set of slides on India's Energy Future (or something!)

Plenty o'Coal in India!  But that Puff Piece has a telling line in it, if one knows how to discern such:

"Less trace elements"  India's coal apparently has fewer "trace elements".

At least 73 elements found in coal-fired plant emissions are distributed in millions of pounds of stack emissions each year. They include: aluminium, antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, boron, cadmium, calcium, chlorine, chromium, cobalt, copper, fluorine, iron, lead, magnesium, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, silver, sulfur, titanium, uranium, vanadium, and zinc.

Whole lotta heavy metals going on!

Frish (Rock On!)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Re: [atheists-614] God Globalization

The authors must be barking mad.

How does America's "unique religious style" deserve to be replicated anywhere?

Give me Finland, Sweden, Norway type of faith before the US!

Did they miss the part about food riots causing Middle East governments to melt down?

People's stomachs motivate, faith keeps them comfortable as they face the enemy.

Religious Fervor and Political Action may both be happening, but it is a real stretch to think that's going to "reduce violence".

Let's put it another way.  Americans may be really really faithful.  However, we have SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.
Now, if we're going to export something useful, let's export RULE OF LAW AND SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.

Then everyone can emulate American of faith to their hearts delight.

Since when does a theocratic government ever allow for freedom, which is what is missing in this scenario, and therefore violence will continue, as it has since humans were created in Eden (Oops, sorry, wrong list...)...


On Sat, Jul 2, 2011 at 12:08 PM, Gary H <> wrote:

some secularists may find this book of interest.

God Is Back: How the Global Revival of Faith Is Changing the World
by John Micklethwait and Adrian Wooldridge
Penguin Press HC (April 2, 2009)
available on

from a review:
"The global rise of faith will have a dramatic and far- reaching impact on our century. Indeed, its destabilizing effects can already be seen far from Iraq or the World Trade Center. Religion plays a role in civil wars from Sri Lanka to Sudan. Along the tenth parallel, from West Africa to the Philippines, religious fervor and political unrest are reinforcing each other. God Is Back concludes by showing how the same American ideas that created our unique religious style can be applied around the globe to channel the rising tide of faith away from volatility and violence."

- Gary