Monday, May 30, 2011

Bridge, and chatting during bridge...

Playing bridge one can chat along the bottom of the screen.
Ckat and I are in a tournament, and between rounds we may chat privately.
We just finished playing hands 4, 5 and 6 and have a couple minutes...

Ckat says: $ also might be good.
Ckat: #4
frish: got it  (written concurrently with just prior line)
frish: i speak dyslexia p...
Ckat: rofl


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Heard about the impending shortage of helium...

So, I searched the web, and, found this little item, taken from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute graduation announcement published just yesterday 5/18/2011!

Here's some scary stuff...

"In addition, to make this year's Commencement environmentally friendly, a long-standing decoration will not be used. Recently, a "Non-Research Helium Boycott" initiative spearheaded by Benjamin Cohen '11, Ph.D. in mechanical engineering, has encouraged members of the Rensselaer campus community to support the initiative and consider the elimination of helium-filled balloons while planning campus events.

Helium, the second lightest element, is a non-renewable resource. The gas is created by the nuclear fusion process of the Sun, or by slow and steady radioactive decay of terrestrial rock, and is typically captured as a byproduct of the natural gas drilling industry.

Recent reports by news, science, industry, and government organizations have noted that the world's most commonly used inert gas is being depleted at an astonishing rate due to a law passed in 1996 that has made helium too cheap to recycle. The Helium Preservation Act stipulates that the helium must be sold off by 2015, regardless of the market price. Researchers note that it is possible that there may be an empty spot on the periodic table within the next 30 years.

Many industrial processes rely on helium. The gas is used for MRI and nuclear magnetic resonance machines, pressurizing and purging rockets, welding, as well as in the production of fiber optics, LCDs, and food. In his proposal, Cohen stated the following: "RPI as a world-class technological research university, understanding the importance of helium to the scientific community and for common human good, commits to curbing the using of helium on campus for non-research or science-based purposes. This is in effect a boycott of helium balloons in the hopes of also increasing awareness for material scarcity.""


Friday, May 6, 2011

Michael Moore is absolutely right

Terrorism was once defined as "Criminal acts performed for political purposes."

If we had the political will to have the police of all countries really share information, 
terrorists couldn't hide anywhere in the world and we'd soon be done with them.

Instead, with Bush Jr. we start the "War on Terror".  However, we aren't really at "war' (to whom might we surrender?).
Therefore, there ought not be such entities as "enemy combatants", with limbo for a legal status.
And, this war is never-ending, since there is no formal enemy to surrender or surrender to! 

If we simply use the higher moral authority we claim by actually living within the rule of law, all would be much better!

Instead, the Obama administration declares an unarmed, unprotected OBL to be a casualty of our war on terror.

They therefore are conveniently using the "at war" line when they need to justify their actions, 
and "let's try them in NYC" line when they know that's the moral and legally correct thing to do, with a path paved with prior success.

How surprising they have it both ways, so that those who can never be tried for lack of acceptable evidence, but are too dangerous to let loose, can now rot in Guantanamo.

America has fallen short in moral standing for several reasons:
The whole idea of an "elective" or "pre-emptive" war is totally immoral, illegal and ought to be totally unacceptable.
"Fight them over there"   Can anything be less moral? 

Not following the rule of law by failing to apprehend instead of assassinate Osama bin Laden.

Torture, special rendition, and all the rest.

I despair regards my countrymen's glee.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Frish at the Palm Oasis in Anza Borrego 4/27/11

near here
33 16'48.68"N Lat
116 26'0.82"W Long

1.5 miles UP the hill from the last campground, lots of running water (that week anyway!).