The city of New Orleans is revived, as are its people.
Too bad nobody can still understand what the fuck any of them are saying...
Monday, February 8, 2010
New Orleans and their Super Bowl win...
Thursday, February 4, 2010
(What I wrote to CBS today!) The Focus on the Family Tebow Ad during the Super Bowl is about miracles! Wonder if Sarah Palin will be watching CBS on Sunday?
This is an experiment to see how many "temporary" high ranking web search words fit into a subject line!
From somewhere on the net:
"The former Florida quarterback and his mother will appear in a 30-second commercial during the Super Bowl next month. The Christian group Focus on the Family says the Tebows will share a personal story centering on the theme "Celebrate Family, Celebrate Life."
The group isn't releasing details, but the commercial is likely to be an anti-abortion message chronicling Pam Tebow's 1987 pregnancy. After getting sick during a mission trip to the Philippines, she ignored a recommendation by doctors to abort her fifth child and gave birth to Tim."
Palin, an ex-governor who quit to become wealthy, at the end of her last pregnancy, after her water broke in Texas, ignored all medical recommendations, or even any common sense and decided to act in a most "un-motherly" non-nurturing fashion, and proceeded to give birth to her child Trig (already diagnosed as "SPECIAL NEEDS" (or, like Frish's very own late-brother John, mentally retarded*) and so a potentially high risk birth) in Alaska, after many hours in an airplane at altitude, followed by a long drive home, since she's an Alaska Independent Party "Alaska First!" jingoist so if Trig were going to be born anywhere, it certainly couldn't be Texas...! You betcha.
Frish certainly accepts her in any governmental executive capacity, thanks to her level headed yet roguish manner.
Frish celebrates life/family/and anything else he wants to without dictating to Doctors and Women what they ought to do in life.
The insanity is that IT HAS BEEN REPORTED CBS assisted in the editing/writing of the anti-abortion commercial. When has that ever happen? Sure, the FCC, each network and probably every local independent station have recommendations and sanctions for advertisers, but for the network itself to assist in the writing of a "pro-life" (whatever that means) COMMERCIAL is probably unprecedented.
I'm Pro Life too, and a Volunteer in the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement - long live
Gives me another reason not to watch the Super Bowl again this year...and not to tune into CBS. Ever. Again.
(If Only SD or MN were in...roflmfao)
* I understand that Sarah Palin is quite upset by the words retard or retarded to refer to those amongst us who are retarded...but only when democrats use it.