Friday, December 28, 2007

Telepathy's newest song!

This is from a friend who plays bridge with me online.  It is music from her niece, Willow Lama...
I'm copying you, musical friends, who may appreciate it, and even more so, the vehicle upon which she shares her art...
telepathy has posted a new rockin mix of the song "10th Mile from the Sun" on

It is free to listen!!! :-)

If you want to be a member of this interactive real music community that unites artists with listeners it only costs $10!!! The fun you can have is priceless!!!

If you want to be removed from this list please just let me know! :-)

Rock Steady,

Willow ~ Telepathy
Telepathy comes from very far... she watches the stars and her thoughts fly across the Universe.
Take your time to listen to her music... a wonderful surprise awaits you....

A disturbing family video - breaking the news to mom...

Please enjoy this video sent to me by my sister, Dr. Nancy Frishberg a world renown guru of Sign Language, who wrote her dissertation about how American Sign Language is every bit as much a language as spoken English.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Is humor tied to male aggression?

Dec. 21, 2007
Courtesy British Medical Journal and World Science staff

Hu­mor seems to de­vel­op from ag­gres­sion caused by male hor­mones, ac­cord­ing to a study pub­lished in this week's is­sue of the Brit­ish Med­i­cal Jour­nal.

A dermatologist-researcher in­ves­t­i­gated how peo­ple re­acted to him as he rode a uni­cy­cle—the com­i­cal, one-wheeled bi­cy­cle va­ri­ant long fa­vored by clowns and other whim­si­cal per­son­al­i­ties.

For the doc­tor, Sam Shus­ter of New­cas­tle Un­ivers­ity, U.K., uni­cy­cling be­gan as a hob­by. But it be­came a study of hu­man na­ture as he wheeled about lo­cal streets and no­ticed the mul­ti­tudes of jokes he sparked—of­ten lame and pre­dict­a­ble, he said, and usu­ally from men. Guess­ing this might re­flect a bi­o­log­i­cal phe­nom­e­non, he pro­ceeded in a year-long in­ves­ti­ga­t­ion to doc­u­ment over 400 peo­ple's re­ac­tions to his one-wheeled jaunts.

Over 90 per­cent re­sponded phys­ic­ally, he found, such as with ex­ag­ger­at­ed stares or waves. Al­most half re­sponded ver­bal­ly—more men than wom­en. He­re, said Shus­ter, sex dif­fer­ences emerged in force: 95 per­cent of adult wom­en praised, en­cour­aged or showed con­cern, while men in­stead un­leashed of­ten-snide jokes 75 per­cent of the time. Equally strik­ing, he said, was the jokes' re­pet­i­tive­ness. Two thirds re­ferred to the num­ber of wheels, such as "lost your wheel?" 

One of the most con­spic­u­ous find­ings, to Shus­ter, was the way the male re­sponse changed with age.

It started with cu­ri­os­ity in child­hood, years 5 through 12—the same re­ac­tion as young girls. But around the ages of 11 to 13, boys' re­sponses de­gen­er­ated in­to phys­ical and ver­bal ag­gres­sion, Shus­ter found; these scamps in fact of­ten tried to get him to fall. Re­sponses be­came more ver­bal dur­ing the lat­er teens, turn­ing in­to mock­ing jests or songs, Shus­ter re­ported. This lat­er evolved in­to adult male hu­mor, char­ac­ter­ized by put-downs that Shus­ter as­cribed to la­tent ag­gres­sion. Par­tic­u­larly pug­na­cious re­marks, he said, came from young male mo­torists at the ages of peak viril­ity.

But the com­bat­ive­ness waned as life wore on, Shus­ter found: old­er men gave more neu­tral or friendly re­marks.

Female re­ac­tions, by con­trast, were sub­dued dur­ing pu­ber­ty and late teens—nor­mally evincing indif­fer­ence or min­i­mal ap­prov­al, he said. The re­sponses then evolved in­to the laud­a­to­ry or con­cerned adult female re­sponses.

Uni­cy­cling may be in­trin­sic­ally fun­ny, but that does­n't ex­plain the find­ings, said Shus­ter—par­tic­u­larly the re­pet­i­tive­ness and dif­fer­ences by sex and age. The wax­ing and wan­ing male re­sponse in par­tic­u­lar, he ar­gued, points to an ex­plana­t­ion in male viril­ity hor­mones such as tes­tos­ter­one, known col­lec­tively as an­dro­gens. The find­ings may al­so shed light on the ev­o­lu­tion of hu­mor, Shus­ter pro­posed: some ag­gres­sion might have been chan­neled in­to ver­bal re­sponses that trans­formed it in­to com­e­dy, which even­tu­ally be­came a sep­a­rate phe­nom­e­non with a life of its own.

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty  
of room at each side. With a 5-lb potato sack in each hand, extend  
your arms straight out from your sides and hold them there as long  
as you can. Try to reach a full minute, and then relax. Each day,  
you'll find that you can hold this position for just a bit longer.  
After a couple of weeks, move up to 10-lb potato sacks. Then try 50-
lb potato sacks and then eventually try to get to where you can  
lift a 100-lb potato sack in each hand and hold your arms straight  
for more than a full minute (I' m at this level). After you feel  
confident at that level, put a potato in each of the sacks.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Please note: Buggy Email Alert!

I found a bug in the last e-mail you sent

Here - you can have it back

From an E-Bay Ad for a musical instrument...

welcome to my store
Hello! Welcome to my shop.
I am a musical instrument dealer, the management GuZhen, Saxophone, violin, ErHu, the bottle gourd silk, guitar, lute, Mandolin, flute, tuba, about several 100 species can provide you choice! Please first look the photos, Its texture is very well. Look at the pictures you can see the shape is very well . So wonderful item . please don't miss it ! It is most valued. It will bring good luck for you, I believe you are a very standout buyer. If you know the value of my item. Please bid my item. I have many other wonderful collect item on me store. Please view my other items . If you need please send E-mail to me.If you be music fancier, the chance to of the so better of the not miss of the please do get it. Enjoying your bidding!!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

this is what we missed

Have to organize
Star gaze opportunity
This is what we missed!!!!!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Thursday, December 13, 2007

$0.49 cent short story!

Katie Gates is my mother's "girl Friday who comes in Thursday".
20 years ago, she wrote a Seussian poem, which was a bit ahead of its time.  20 years ahead maybe?  It is now available for the world to see, and you can download it from Amazon Shorts for a mere 49 cents.  That's right, just 49 cents.

 I encourage you to do so, as supporting creative endeavors has never been so affordable.

 Besides... it's a great read!

 The "short" is called Too Many Machines, and you can try this link:

 If that doesn't result in seeing David Ray Preston, Jr.'s wonderful cover art and the link to the story itself, just go to Amazon Books and find Amazon Shorts by clicking on the Digital Downloads link.  Then do a search either for "Too Many Machines" or for "Katie Gates"

 Please feel free to write a review as well.  The more buzz the better!

As she relates:

"Thank you so much for your support!  And -- spread the word!!! 

Happy Holidays!"

Katie (tenacity's poster child)

Monday, December 10, 2007

Reply to my Friend Fred, on the Mexicanization of The United States

"The only rational explanation of Bush's stubborn determination to override the wishes of the American people by opening up all our roads to Mexican trucks is that this is an essential part or his plan for the economic integration of the United States into a North American Community. The only rational explanation of Bush's refusal to build the fence is that he has no intention of stopping the flow of illegal aliens across our Southern border."
When did Bush have a rational explanation for anything he has ever done?  When was that a requirement for him?  Or, is she saying Bush must be insane?  Well, on that we might agree.
Do you really believe we can build a fence to control the border?
Is Phyllis Schafly in favor of a national ID card to ensure only US Citizens have employment here, for example?
How about Radio Frequency Chips that are tuned to our individual DNA so they can't be counterfeited...and, you can be plugged right into society, a walking, working debit card...
We need immigrants here Fred.  Without them our economy would stagnate and self implode.  More LEGAL immigrants ought to be brought into the US than is currently the case.
However, the economic forces that support illegal employees are not to be scoffed at, and plenty of them are Bush supporters.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Controlling Insect Mating/Dating key to success (if what you want are fewer insects!)

Another so called "smart and green" technology to disrupt the interdependence of all organisms in favor of humanity's need to control  "mother nature".  It's not nice to fool with Mother about a birth control chemical that could affect insects across the board. 
While that may or may not seem a good thing, to point out the obvious:  Humans would benefit from the treatment...
Fewer insects = More Crops = More People = no need to change anything about how we live or do business, we can feed billions more people! = Problem solved, Malthus was wrong.
Or, so the entrenched economic interests (those based on growth) would have us believe.
Sex "switch" points way to smarter pest control

By Ben Hirschler Sun Dec 9, 1:30 PM ET

LONDON (Reuters) - Turning off a sex "switch" triggered when female insects mate may be a smart and green way of controlling pests in future.

Scientists said on Sunday they had found a molecular receptor, or switch, common to all insects that sets off post-mating behaviors like egg-laying.

Developing a chemical to artificially block its action could stop insect populations in their tracks and help fight the spread of many human and animal diseases.

"If you had an inhibitor of this receptor then you could interfere with its function and it would, in effect, be a birth control pill for insects," said Barry Dickson from the Institute of Molecular Pathology in Vienna, Austria.

Many female insects undergo profound changes in behavior after mating. Some species start laying multiple eggs. Female mosquitoes, for example, seek out a meal of blood -- often spreading malaria in the process.

Scientists have known for some time that such behavior is triggered by a so-called sex peptide molecule in the male's seminal fluid, but it has been unclear how it exerts its impact on the female.

Now Dickson and his colleagues have identified the receptor for the molecule in fruit flies and shown it is key to post-mating behavior. Females lacking the receptor continue to behave as virgins, even after mating, they reported in the journal Nature.

Crucially, the same receptor has been found in all insects studied so far, suggesting it may be possible to develop a widely applicable chemical blocker that would be far more effective and environmentally friendly than insecticides.

Modern insecticides are good at killing bugs, but because insects breed so prolifically, those that die are quickly replaced.

By contrast, females dosed with a sex peptide receptor blocker would remain alive and continue to compete in the breeding pool, producing a bigger impact on the wider population.

Developing the concept will require a lot more research but Dickson said it was possible such a blocker might be introduced into breeding ponds where larvae grow or else planted in pheromone traps designed to attract insects.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Resume facts we we'd be better off not knowing...

From a personal website of no one I know!

"...I also APPEARED recently in 3 films... THE VIRGIN MURDERS, DEATH FACTORY: BLOODLETTING, and GENITAL GENOCIDE...all to be seen in 2008!!!! "
"Genital Genocide" does sound mildly intriguing, I must say!